Mental Health Week Taking Place In Two Secondary Schools

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Kerry ETB Insert 1


CBS Mental Health Week 1

Fionnbar Walsh launching Mental Health Week at CBS The Green on Monday morning.

FIONNBAR Walsh joined students from CBS The Green and Presentation Secondary School to launch their Mental Health Awarness week which began today.

This year, for the first time, the Student Representative Councils from both schools are working together to organise  the events  in their respective schools. The aim is to promote positive mental health and wellbeing.

A range of speakers and activities is being planned which will help students to understand how to look after their mental health.

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As part of this initiative, renowned psychologist Dr Fergus Heffernan will address students and parents from both schools. Dr. Heffernan psychologist, family therapist and lecturer will speak about creating resilience and happiness in tough, challenging times.

He will deliver a talk to all Sixth Year students from both schools on Tuesday,  at 2pm in The Rose Hotel. Students are asked to contribute €2 towards the talk. That night, Dr Heffernan will also address parents from both schools at 7.30p.m. in The Rose Hotel.  This informative talk (admission  €5) is open to all parents, not just parents of Sixth Years.


One Comment

  1. Sounds like such an excellent idea.
