Fantastic Effort By Scoil Eoin Pupils In Shoebox Appeal

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Scoil Eoin pupils with Principal Kieran O’Toole and teacher Carol Anne O’Donoghue.

SCOIL Eoin Balloonagh took part in the Team Hope Shoebox Appeal once again this year for Team Hope and hundreds of boxes were made up.

The project was undertaken by the Student Council with the help of their coordinator Mrs. Carol Anne O’Donoghue. They were overwhelmed with the response and generosity of all the parents and pupils of Scoil Eoin year in year out.

Putting a box together is time consuming and expensive so all efforts are greatly appreciated. In total over 356 were collected and Team Hope representatives Mick O’Connell collected the boxes this morning. All boxes will shortly be en route to these children in need.

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Team Hope is an Irish, Christian, International Development Charity working to help children affected by poverty in Eastern Europe and Africa.

Last year 270,000 boxes were collected and sent across the world to poor communities including Belarus, Eastern Europe and six countries across Africa.

Team Hope delivers the boxes straight into the hands of little boys and girls who are living in bleak conditions in orphanages, street shelters and homes.

The shoeboxes are a ‘box of love’ as such and are often the first present these children have ever received. Every single box makes a huge difference. Each box is different because every child is different. Shoeboxes are given based on need alone and bring joy and excitement to these children living in difficult situations.

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