Fitness: Correcting Muscle Imbalance And Posture

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Michael Ryan 1Michael Ryan of RnR Fitness on correcting muscle imbalance and posture…

It is commonplace amongst regular fitness enthusiasts or gym users to ask such questions as: Why am I stronger on one side of my body than the other? Why can I lift heavier weight with one arm over the other? Why can I kick further with my right leg over my left?

The answer is simple.

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Everyone is different, genetically, physiologically, their range of movement, whatever it may be. However the one trait we all have in common is that we all possess a dominant side of our body.

A side that, sometimes, without even being physiologically aware of it, we use to carry out certain actions like writing or picking up the phone.

It is the bodies natural default side of carrying out certain actions, and in most cases has been developed and ingrained in the body’s natural bio mechanics since childbirth.

This body’s automatic response readily translates to exercising and fitness and leads to such issues as muscle imbalance (an unbalanced physique) which often leads to poor posture and injury. The solution to the issue of muscle imbalance and the other consequent issues lies in the correct use of a term called the “Unilateral Exercise”.

What is a unilateral exercise and how can it help me eradicate such issues as muscle imbalance, poor posture and injury?

Simply put, a unilateral exercise uses one arm or leg to carry out a particular exercise from point A to point B.

Any exercise which uses both arms or both legs to carry out an exercise is known as a “Bilateral Exercise”. An example and most commonly known type of unilateral exercise is the single arm dumbbell Bicep curl. Outlined below are some of the benefits of the unilateral exercise.

Benefits Of The Unilateral Exercise

• Unilateral exercises such as the single arm bicep curl or the bent over dumbbell row offer improved isolation of the target muscle especially on the imbalanced side of the body, as the equivalent muscle on the more dominant side of the body is removed from the equation, and thus increased isolation occurs on the muscle forcing it to engage on its own.

• Unilateral exercises also offer a greater range of movement or (ROM), which allows greater muscle contraction and engagement, particularly on the lowering or (eccentric phase) of the exercise.

• Unilateral exercises improve core strength, stability and helps build your abdominal muscles. During a unilateral exercise the core is often forced to fix and stabilise certain muscles as well as correct posture as is often not the case when carrying out the bilateral equivalent of the exercise.

Note of Caution

When carrying out unilateral exercises or deciding on one, consider if the body is in a stable position before commencement, if its not, it takes away the focus from the desired muscle and often puts you at a greater risk of injury.

• Michael Ryan is part of RnR Fitness: Qualified and Certified Personal, Trainers, Fitness Instructors and Sports Nutrition Consultants. See their Facebook page here

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