Fun Events Planned For Africa Day Celebration In The Town Park

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Looking forward to Africa Day celebrations in the Town Park on May 28 were, In front; John Lazuras. Back from left; Ajarat Aneke, Jacqueline Tshikota, Mary Carroll and Sean Lyons of Tralee International Resource Centre, Grace Titus and Teresa Elumelu. Photo by Dermot Crean

TRALEE International Resource Centre (TIRC), Killarney Immigrant Support Centre (KASI) and the African community in Kerry (AFCOM) are celebrating Africa day at the end of the month with a big day of celebration in Tralee Town Park.

The groups are organising an African party for the entire county, on Sunday, May 28 which will bring together different African cultures and traditions and hopefully bring together international communities across Kerry.

The event will show-case traditional African food and African drumming and Tralee Town Park will host Africa-themed displays. Many of those from Africa, now living in Kerry, will showcase their traditional African dress.

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The family fun event will also have a DJ, face-painting, bouncy castles and games, in what promises to be a truly multi-cultural event for all to enjoy.

Africa day will be opened by Education Minister Norma Foley at 1.30pm, who is the guest of honour for the occasion.

Co-ordinator of TIRC, Mary Carroll, said that the day will support integration by bringing different cultures and communities together.

“This type of initiative is more than just good fun, it is about raising awareness and encouraging integration as the different communities work together.  Music, games and food is a fun way to achieve this very important goal.  This day is an opportunity to celebrate African diversity and success and join Africans around the world in highlighting the cultural and social energy of the continent.”

Mary continued; “We held a similar event last year and it was wonderful to see so many people coming to try African food, and learning so much about the different cultures, and meeting and talking together, in a fun way. The African drumming is always a highlight at the event also.”

Africa day runs from 1.30pm-5pm on Sunday May 28th and everyone is urged to come along to this family fun event that will be both educational and entertaining.

The event, which was officially launched this week, is supported by Funding from Irish Aid at the Department of Foreign Affairs, facilitated through Kerry County Council.

The organisers are very grateful for the use of Tralee Town Park and for all the help from local groups and businesses including the Irish Red Cross and Sean Murphy Electrical contractor.


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