Kerry Association Dublin Presents Raffle Proceeds To Two Kerry Organisations

Tomás Garvey, Kerry Person of the Year 2019, who accepted the cheque on behalf of Kerry Cancer Support Group and Keelin Kissane, Kerry Association Chairperson.

KERRY Association Dublin has presented raffle proceeds to two Kerry organisations at the weekend.

Tomás Garvey, 2019 Kerry Person of the Year, accepted a cheque for €4,500 on behalf of the Kerry Cancer Support Group from Keelin Kissane, Chairperson of the Kerry Association in Dublin at The Rose Hotel.

Kerry Cancer Support Group were Tomás’s nominated charity to benefit from the proceeds of a raffle at the Kerry Association in Dublin’s 2019 Annual Dinner, held earlier in the year in Croke Park at which Tomás was honoured as Kerry Person of the Year.

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The Kerry Mountain Rescue Team, represented by Mike Slattery, Gerry Christie and Dermot Reen, were presented with a cheque for €1,610, also from the raffle proceeds on the night, in recognition of their selection as Laochra Chiarraí award winners for 2019.

Meanwhile, the Kerry Association in Dublin is actively seeking nominations for the 2020 Kerry Person of the Year and 2020 Laochra Chiarraí awards.

The Kerry Person of the Year award, which began in 1979 is now in its 41st year and recognises an individual who has shown leadership, brought honour to the county, and performed services for the county to such an extent that could be described as being beyond the norm of everyday life. Previous winners include literary legends John B. Keane and Brendan Kennelly, as well as sporting heroes  Mick O’Dwyer, Páidí Ó Sé and Colm Cooper. The Laochra Chiarraí award recognises a group for exemplary leadership in community activity.

Nominations for both awards are now being accepted through the online forms on the Kerry Association website at, and the deadline for all nominations is Sunday, December 1st 2019. The awards will be presented at the Kerry Association in Dublin’s annual dinner, Oiche Chiarraí, on Saturday, March 28th 2020 at the Red Cow Moran Hotel, Dublin.

The Kerry Association in Dublin dates back to 1951 and was established as a way to celebrate the people, culture and, most importantly, the sporting achievements of Kerry people and to bind together the “emigrants” of Kerry who have made Dublin their home.

Kerry Mountain Rescue members Mike Slattery, Gerry Christie and Dermot Reen presented with a cheque by Keelin Kissane, Chairperson of Kerry Association in Dublin.