STATUTORY and public bodies in Kerry are urging members of the public to be prepared for the winter months and to be ‘Winter Ready.’
The HSE, Kerry County Council and An Garda Síochána are encouraging households to make preparations for adverse weather, particularly during the current pandemic, and to ensure that neighbours reach out to older or vulnerable households at this time to ensure that they are prepared for any potential winter weather.
The Kerry agencies are working closely with their counterparts in Cork as part of the Cork and Kerry Interagency Emergency Management Office coordination of the response to winter emergencies.
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The local organisations are drawing the attention of the public to the website which has useful tips and information for members of the public, including advice on how to avoid trips and falls, and how to make sure your home and family are prepared for winter.
Local statutory bodies will be promoting important messages over the coming weeks around issues like road safety, preparing the home, health and wellbeing, advice for older people, and details of important emergency contacts.
Specially prepared ‘Winter Ready’ fridge magnets have been prepared by the Cork-Kerry Interagency Emergency Management Office and these will be distributed through the Kerry Public Participation Network (PPN) over the coming weeks. The magnets will provide specific contact details for use during an emergency such as numbers for the ESB, Irish Water, local Garda station and the County Council.
All of the local agencies including the Health Service Executive, An Garda Síochána, Kerry Fire Service, Kerry Civil Defence and Kerry County Council work closely together to ensure a coordinated response to any emergencies which may arise over the winter months.