A NEW exhibition titled “The 120th Anniversary of the First Local Elections” will be on display at Tralee Library from Monday, October 21 to Saturday, November 2 during library opening hours.
Local authorities are marking the 120th anniversary of the first local elections in 2019 and which were held in January 1899, for urban districts, and in April 1899, for county areas.
The exhibition, produced by the Local Authority Archivists Group, features archives from local authority collections around the country and comprises items from the history of local government in Ireland since that first local election in 1899.
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The exhibition focuses on how local elections work and also highlights the elections that made an impact on Irish society and other significant milestones in the history of local government.
It is intended that the exhibition will assist in raising awareness of the purpose of local elections and highlight the role and impact that local democracy has on communities.
All are welcome to attend this free exhibition that will be on display in Tralee Library from Monday, 21 October to Saturday, 2 November during opening hours.