Roger Harty: Stand By The Radiators And Keep Away From The Fridges

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rsz_roger_hartyI CAME across this nugget of advice many years ago and I can honestly say that it is one that has really stood the test of time for me.

Like anything else that is good, it only works if applied. Let’s break it down.

Stand by the Radiators:  Keep in touch with things, people, situations and places that give you good energy and feel right for you.

Keep away from the fridges: Keep away from things, people, situations and places that draw the energy out of you and do not sit well with you.

It is a fact that we are all on our own personal journey in this life and as such it can always be debated that, that which is one man’s sauce is another man’s poison.

Things – Yes I agree the word things is a very broad word and could cover anything, but for instance it could be applied to food. As a general rule we are all aware of the food that is good for us (healthy naturally produced products i.e. vegetables, fruit, beans seeds etc and not too much red meat) like putting good petrol into a car, these will enhance our energy. Of course like any good rule there may be an exception e.g. a food allergy.

Bad energy; Highly processed food (pizzas, crisps, biscuits) that may satisfy our hunger cravings short term but are difficult for our bodies to deal with. They put stress on our internal digestive systems and will eventually lead to poor health. We all know where to find these – usually in the centre aisles of supermarkets.

People: It is always great to have a few good friends that you can trust, talk to, and that you know are there for your benefit. These are very precious so if you find them, mind them as they are so good for your well-being, especially if they can listen in a non-judgemental way.

Other people may draw the energy out of you. In fairness most people have good intentions, but may be unaware that they are bringing your energy down (I like to give the benefit of the doubt!). If you are feeling unwell, these are best avoided. This is very personal and can only be assessed by ourselves.

Situations: For instance it is best to avoid constant conflict (be it at home or at work). This can be very stressful and will eventually wear you down. We thrive as human beings in calm peaceful situations where we feel in control and thus we can nurture our energy within. Yes there are certain people who ‘thrive’ on conflict but as I said above – best avoided!

Good situations. They say that laughter is the best medicine – so place yourself in situations where life isn’t taken too seriously and if there is a bit of laughter available – Go for it !

Places: In my opinion this is the most important aspect of this article. We all have places in the world where we can find rest and peace – they simply – ‘Do it’ for us.

Everyone has his/her favourite hangout spot. Why this is so important is that it doesn’t have to be an actual location it can be a ‘space within’ where we can find inner calm and peace.

If you can readily access such a space then you are a very lucky person as you have ready access to ‘good energy’ thus you can become you’re very own self-regulating radiator. (You can be a fridge if you choose to, but no right thinking person would purposefully do that!)

I love the image of the hurricane (life’s troubles!) In the eye of the hurricane there is calm (inner peace) and from this vantage point we can observe all the turmoil around us.

That is why I am such a fan of meditation as it teaches us with practice how to access this centre of inner peace which we all have, but unfortunately we all may not be aware that we have such a place.

• Next week I am going to write about – Spacemen coming to earth

One Comment

  1. eileen lyne says:


    Excellent article
