Roger Harty: Acceptance Is The Key To Happiness

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rsz_roger_hartyI WISH to continue writing about acceptance (previous article here) as it absolutely essential to realising true peace and happiness.

Notice that I used the word ‘realising’ instead of ‘achieving’ peace and happiness. The reason for this is that one cannot achieve true happiness for this is like trying to chase after a feather in the wind – it will be forever elusive!

It involves always searching for the ‘Holy Grail’. The answer to happiness is to ‘Be’ happy. Similarly with ‘Acceptance’ it is not something that can be sought or chased after its power is truly revealed when it is realised or practised in the present moment.

In other words accepting each moment for exactly what it is and enjoying (if at all possible!) what every moment brings.

I really enjoy a good quote and one of my favourites (author unknown to me) is the following which best sums up the above paragraph.

What is the difference between success and happiness?

Success: Is having what you want. Happiness: Is wanting what you have.

The problem with success lies in the fact that if you achieve success (for instance a large house) and you achieve this, and then a neighbour down the road gets a bigger house there is always some sort of vacuum existing within to achieve more.

It is always something that remains slightly out of reach. However the latter (true happiness) is realized by being totally content with what you have.

It does not mean that riches and power won’t come your way but One’s happiness is not dependent on these things coming your way.

This was the basis of the quote from Jesus in The Bible “Again I tell you it is easier for a poor man to go through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to go to heaven.”

I best remember the above quote as success ‘having what you want’ (H,W ) often leads to Hot Water (H,W) — need I mention the Celtic Tiger!

There is a great book written by a fabulous and well renowned author Byron Katie called ‘Loving what is’.

The essence of this, is that it is always best for us if we can bring ourselves to accept the present just as it is.

This may involve changing our thought process, i.e. the way we look at things. On this note I am going to leave you with a quote from Wayne Dyer:
‘If you change the way you look at the world, the world you look at changes’.

When we accept the present moment, we are sending an energetic message through our thoughts and breath to each and every cell of our body that ‘all is well’ and our body reacts in a form of peaceful yet delighted way because it has delivered to us all that we want and it doesn’t have to stress itself in trying to deliver more.

In other words we truly are at peace and we are not trying to achieve peace. We feel at that moment an inner contentment which is truly joyful.

Next week I am going to write about ‘Awareness’.

• Roger Harty is a life coach and can be contacted on 087-6128336, on twitter at @Innerjoyz1 or by email 


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