Roger Harty: The Chakras

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rsz_roger_hartyWHEN we look at life and particularly the human body through the ‘eyes’ of energy everything begins to make sense.

Because our bodies are energy, there is an energy field around every single living thing so it would make sense that we connect with other energy sources such as heat, light sound and colour.

All of these things have a common denominator of being energy and thus like all energy have a frequency and a wavelength.

The energy centres of the human body are known as the chakras and it is generally regarded that there are seven of these chakras.

The word chakra is derived from the ancient Sanskrit language meaning a wheel or a circle. It is like a vortex of energy spiralling out from the body.

Generally they cannot be seen but there are people highly skilled in the field of healing and energy that can see and observe the activity of these chakras, these people are known as ‘Seers’.

They have the skills to detect and treat an individual who displays a certain illness that may be determined through observation of a particular chakra. In other words each chakra carries the energy frequency that takes responsibility for different areas of our lives and I will give a brief summary of these below.

Each chakra has a particular colour and not surprisingly each of the seven colours is a constituent of the ‘colour’ white i.e. they are all the colours of the rainbow when combined make white. These are Red, orange, yellow, green blue indigo and violet.

• Root chakra,    Colour Red.   This is the base chakra and it is open if you feel grounded, stable and secure.

• Sacral chakra,   Colour Orange.  This is about feeling and sexuality. It is open if you are feeling creative; your feelings flow freely and are expressed without being over – emotional.

• Navel chakra,    Colour Yellow.  Also known as the Solar plexus – When it is open you feel in control and you have sufficient self-esteem.

• Heart chakra,    Colour Green.  This chakra is about love. When open you are compassionate and friendly and you work at harmonious relationships.

• Throat chakra,   Colour Blue.  When open you demonstrate the ability to verbalize and are able to express truth through power of the spoken word.

• Third Eye chakra,    Colour Indigo.  This chakra is all about insight and visualization. When open one can see the Divine perfection in all things.

• Crown chakra,    Colour Violet.  This is about wisdom and being at one with the world. When this is truly open man is at one with his deepest desire i.e., Peace

It is vital for our general health that we ensure that our chakras are working to the best of their ability, but like everything else we won’t do anything about them if we are not aware of them.

That is why it is so important to get properly educated and to pay due attention to the chakras if we want to truly understand ourselves and what truly makes us happy.

Next week I am going to write about Panic Attacks.

• Roger Harty is a life coach and can be contacted on 087-6128336, on twitter at @Innerjoyz1 or by email 

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