Roger Harty: Nothing Makes Me Happy

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ON the surface this may appear to be an overwhelmingly pessimistic, negative title, but I can assure you nothing could be further from the truth.

Let me elaborate further.

You see, we now live in a world of ‘things’. Things are very important to us.

Things like holidays, nice houses, nice cars,expensive clothes, restaurants, electrical products, social media products, tasty foods in supermarkets etc, etc are all readily available to us on our doorstep.

That was not always the case even up to 50 or 60 years ago, which in terms of the evolution of mankind is only a pinprick.

Not only are they readily available but we are also subjected to a continuous, relentless bombardment by professional advertising convincing us that we need these products and that our lives would be far better off and happier if we had them and that our money would be well spent if we purchased same.

Ask the simple question; Are we happier than our ancestors? I don’t think so!

A very interesting experiment was forced upon us during this current Covid 19 lockdown where we had to survive without many of the above items.

Advertising was reduced to a trickle because companies wouldn’t waste their money on advertising if customers couldn’t get access to the shops.

Did the world come to a Stop? What happened?

• People spent time with their loved ones and children.
• People engaged in simple board games and playing cards
• The environment got a unique and well-earned recovery break
• People began to pay more attention and appreciate the company of others
• Less money was spent on things like petrol and people began to exercise.
• People began to bake and cook at home (Flour was at a premium)
• Pastimes like knitting and home hobbies like woodwork and playing music.
• Gardens never looked better

I know I have only covered the basics here but many of the above mentioned items are not ‘Things’ – they involve paying attention to ourselves and to others and to the environment.

By paying attention we learn to love ourselves, love each others and love and appreciate the wonderful world that we live in.

I know that difficult experiences happened during the lockdown and I’m not saying that all is rosy in the garden. What I’m suggesting is that ‘No-Thing’ will make us happy.

Happiness is an inside job and requires time and attention. This is ultimately the advice of Jesus when he said “Be Still and Know that I Am God”

In other words get away from the rat-race and take time to appreciate yourself, others and the world around you, which are all part of His creation.

We have got a wonderful insight and lesson during thelockdown. The only question is, are we listening and heeding the lesson?

Are we going to go back to the way we were? Or, are we ready for ‘The New Normal’.


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