Roger Harty: The Healing Power Of Nature

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rsz_roger_hartyWhat is it about nature that makes us feel so good?

Perhaps the answer is so obvious it is as plain as the nose on my face, being that we come back to what we truly are.

Like the quality of good air, it is very hard to explain to someone else the benefit of good fresh air we just know that it is good for us.

That is why people in cities have a natural incline to head for the countryside at weekends – they just know that it is in their best interest to do so and also in the best interest of their work performance for the following week.

Even the word natural is giving us an obvious clue into this. It is in our best interests to go back to ‘nature’ to go back to the place where we most belong, where our species originated from and where we feel most at home.

The medical field has now come to agree to this sort of thinking. Very often we hear the saying ‘when you get home you will soon get better’ i.e. when you get back to your ‘natural environment’.

Our natural environment as a species is to get back to the natural countryside –woods, mountains, rivers, lakes, beaches and seas that surround us.

If our bodies could talk it is as if they are saying ‘enough, please bring us back to where we came from.

I wrote in recent articles about old sayings and without doubt this message is delivered loud and clear in a great old Irish saying and one of my favourites –

Níl aon tinteán mar do thinteán féin….. (there is no fireplace like your own fireplace) ….. There is no place like home.

Our ancestors, the Inuit tribes and the shaman healers knew at a very deep level the importance of this (in fact it is vital as the word important doesn’t do it justice).

They spoke about nature connecting with our ‘Oneness’ i.e. connecting with what we truly are as human beings.

We might never understand the benefits we just know that the benefits are there. This type of ‘knowing’ has real (wisdom) healing  energy power.

As humans we are ‘Balls of Energy’ and this Energy begins to perform at its best when it is  brought home to it’s own environment.

Even the word ‘vitality’ gives us an insight. If you ‘google’ the word vitality you get ‘ the state of being strong and active; energy’.

So nature connects us with our energy – it connects us with what we truly are – just like breathing connects us with our body. A duck waddles like a duck, swims like a duck, quacks like a duck – why? – Because it is a duck!

When we connect with nature we connect with what we truly are – Energy connecting with Energy! This is why it is referred to as ‘Oneness’.

This is what Jesus meant when he said ‘ I am (is) the way the truth and the life’.

He was trying to explain to us the importance of presence ‘I am’ and how it connects us with what we truly are.

He didn’t say ‘I was’ or ‘I will be’, he said ‘I am’ meaning the ‘Power of Now’.

Another word for ‘Power’ is ‘Energy’ so we connect with our own inner vital energy when be give ourselves time to be present with it and there is no better place to do this this than to get back to nature.

That is why the book ‘The Power of Now’ has sold over 30,000,000 (30 million) copies as it has such a powerful healing message if applied. The key word here  is ‘apply’ so just like the Nike slogan J.D.I.-Just Do It

Next week, I am going to write about the ‘Power of laughter’

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