Tralee Courthouse Should Be Retained For Courts Use Say Survey Respondents

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Anluan Dunne

A GREEN Party Kerry online survey has revealed that the vast majority of respondents want Tralee Courthouse to be retained in use for Courts and there is overwhelming opposition to the proposal of a new courthouse at the Island of Geese site.

The survey was conducted in September to capture public views on the future of Tralee Courthouse. All 144 submissions collected were anonymous.

The Green Party representative for Tralee, Anluan Dunne said: “It is clear that the majority of people want the court to remain where it is. The previous review of the historic building by the OPW must be re-assessed.”

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“We have highly talented architects skilled in heritage conservation who can produce a design to satisfy the needs of the Courts Service, legal professionals and the public. Let us lay out the challenge and invite proposals to refurbish the building in a way that is fit for purpose,” added Mr Dunne.

In the survey, over 70% of people wished to see the decision by the Courts Service to seek a new building reviewed.


Close to 80% of people do not want the Courts Service to re-locate away from the heritage building.


With regard to the Island of Geese site, 82% of respondents believe Kerry County Council should not permit the construction of a new Courthouse there.


Anluan Dunne said: “On one hand, we hear criticism of private property owners for lack of maintenance of the historic buildings which they own such as those in the town centre. Yet on the other we see two arms of the state actively working to abandon a key historic structure. The most responsible approach is to retain the existing building. It’s the lowest carbon option, maintains our heritage and promotes the upkeep and use of heritage building. “

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