Zoe’s World: The End Of The ‘Brangelina’ Fairytale

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Zoe O'Connor 1WHEN writing my column every week, I tend to look to the news headlines to give me some inspiration to write about a relevant topic.

Instead of seeing my newsfeed spattered with the usual news articles (which I often cite as depressing) – I saw something even more tragic. Angelina and Brad Pitt are getting a divorce.

Yes – that is what our society focuses on. Not on the presidential election in America, not about the impending impact of Brexit, not on wars or deaths – instead we have all decided to fixate on the break up of Hollywood’s power couple.

And can you blame us?

Ever since we were children we have all used fairytales to cope with the tragic reality of everyday life. When we were scared of the dark, we held the hands of all our fairytale friends and allowed them to be our light. Metaphorically speaking, we let people like Brad & Angelina be our positive fairytale.

You may think that I have swallowed a Taylor Swift album or something with all this lovey stuff that I am spouting. But you have to admit it; we will forever look to someone else as an idol or a role model, because that’s how we manage to cope with everyday life.

You can’t help but think to yourself looking to these idols, “I want to be like them” or “don’t they have it all”. So when you see that all publicly crash and burn in front of your eyes, it hurts a little.

Is nothing sacred? Do fairytales truly not exist? Maybe we had just about accepted that Sleeping Beauty may not actually exist, but how do we process this blow. When the thing you admire and idolise is ripped away… what do you have left?

I have your answer: popcorn, ice cream, a copy of Mr & Mrs Smith and a very large box of tissues.

I guess we will all have to start placing our bets on Victoria & David now huh? (sighs eternally)

• Instagram – @zoe2402 Twitter – @Zobo2402 YouTube – youtube.com/zoeoconnor2402

One Comment

  1. Matty O'Leary says:

    When the thing you admire and idolise is ripped away… what do you have left?

    Reality, of course!
