Zoe’s World: A Career In Politics Wouldn’t Appeal To Many Young People

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Jasmine INsert


Zoe 1I AM sure that you are so beyond sick of hearing about the election at this point, but I am going to try and pique your interest one last time before we can put it to bed for a while.

I am interested to know if anyone who is reading this now ever wanted to be a politician. If when your teacher or parents or guidance counsellor asked you what you wanted to do with your life, were you the one who proudly stated your love for politics?

It is not the most popular of statements. Particularly not when you are a six year old child among the aspiring nurses and doctors of the class.

Continued below…

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That is of course after you grew out of your princess/astronaut phase (which I of course never did).

I just wouldn’t consider politics as one of the shining career choices that face students of today. More than anything I think it is the thought of putting yourself out there, something that isn’t exactly common or popular in today’s society. Especially not among fledging adults with self confidence issues.

Generally I have always had a few trust issues with politicians as a general population, but in fairness you have to hand it to them in this case. I don’t think that there are many jobs that require such confidence or frankly such dependence on others.

I personally would never be able to put my entire career in the hands of another. It’s practically like stripping away your independence and despite the words and promises that these people happily spout in the run up to these things, I think that politicians are actually incredibly vulnerable.

I know that this may be way too late, considering the votes are cast and the results are out, but I think that it is still important to take into account.

Because where politicians are concerned, you have a lot of concern. Because if you’re not happy, then you can guarantee that they won’t be happy.

If we take a break from discussing the trials and tribulations of politicians for a moment, let’s take a swift look back at career choices. I may be going a little off topic when I say this, but how are those fledging young adults that I spoke of supposed to know what they want to do?

How are they supposed to know if they actually like the idea of depending on others like politicians do?

Maybe this is a nod to the faults in our schooling system today…but don’t worry I’m sure some politician will sort that out.

Follow Zoë O’Connor on Twitter @Zobo2402 and on Instagram @zoe2402

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