A TRALEE Municipal District Councillor said access points need to be opened along the Tralee Fenit Greenway for the safety of children who wish to cycle to school.
In a motion before the meeting of Municipal District District on Monday, Sinn Féin Cllr. Cathal Foley asked the Council provide an update on requests by residents living along the route of the Greenway for safe access and egress as well as an update on the originally proposed access points.
He was told by Council Management that the Local Authority are progressing an additional access to the Tralee/ Fenit Greenway from the L2004 (North of The Oyster Tavern).
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It is anticipated that the Part 8 planning process/ public consultation will commence in Q2 2024. Consultation is also ongoing with landowners about enhancing existing access points and identifying further access points along the route.
Cllr Foley said the Greenway urgently needs more access points to enable children of residents living along the route to travel to school safely. He said every effort needs to be made to get these open for residents.
He was told by Council Management that the Local Authority are progressing an additional access to the Tralee/ Fenit Greenway from the L2004 (North of The Oyster Tavern).
Dear Dermot,
As a resident on the L2004 this long awaited planned access isn’t considered an additional one but the original access in the 2018 plan!