AN Garda Síochána are conducting a national speed enforcement operation “Slow Down”, supported by the Road Safety Authority (RSA) for a 24 hour period from 7am this morning to 7am on Wednesday morning.
The aim of “Slow Down Day” is to remind drivers of the dangers of speeding, to increase compliance with speed limits and act as a deterrent to driving at excessive or inappropriate speed.
The overall objective is to reduce the number of speed related collisions, save lives and reduce injuries on our roads. Already this morning they detected a motorist travelling 63km/h in a 50km/h Zone on the R561 Castledrum, Castlemaine. Another was clocked travelling at 126km/h in a 100km/h Zone on the N21 Tooreenmore, Knocknagoshel.
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The operation will consist of high visibility speed enforcement across the road network. Gardaí will also deliver the message through various media channels to remind people of the potential impact on families and communities of speeding.
Government Departments, Local Authorities, Public and private sector fleet operators are invited to participate in the initiative by circulating to employees the key message of “Slow Down” and, whether driving for business or private purposes, to always drive within the speed limit and at a speed appropriate to the prevailing conditions.