Kerry Students Invited To Take Part In Science Week Event

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STUDENTS, teachers and parents in Kerry and across the country are being offered the opportunity to participate in a unique virtual science event as part of Science Week.

ASPIRE with Abbott takes place on Nov. 12th in association with Science Foundation Ireland and is one of the flagship events of this year’s Science Week.

Now in its third year in Ireland, ASPIRE is moving online and bigger than ever. Every secondary school in Ireland is invited to participate and there is no cost to do so.

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A full day’s programme will focus on the theme of “Choosing our Future,” with fascinating speakers talking about how STEM education has helped them chart their future and make a positive impact in the world.

Among the speakers will be NASA Datanaut and current Miss Universe Ireland, Fionnghuala O’Reilly, BAFTA Award-winning game designer Brenda Romero, STEM role model and science communicator Niamh Shaw, and a host of other STEM personalities and Abbott employees.

Guests will also hear from Future of Work expert Peter Cosgrave and be able to join special sessions focused on student health and wellbeing, technology and engineering.

Dr Ruth Freeman, Director of Science for Society, Science Foundation Ireland said: “As we mark the 25th anniversary of Science Week, we are delighted to welcome the ASPIRE with Abbott event. This virtual conference will offer anyone a chance to get first-hand insights on STEM careers from some of the brightest minds in the industry.”

To register for the event, visit and for more information on Science Week activities visit

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