Nearly €45m For National Roads And Greenways Projects In Kerry

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€400,000 has been approved for the greenway which will run along the coastline from Cockleshell to the Spa.

NEARLY €45m has been allocated to Kerry County Council for investment in national roads and greenways in the county.

The €44,985,108 will be used for major projects including the N22 bypass from Farranfore to Killarney and the Listowel Bypass (€22,000,000).

In total €554 million is being allocated nationally to local authorities through Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII).

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The funding  is allocated to Kerry County Council and will be divided in four funding tranches:

• Capital investment: Protection, Renewal and Active Travel €15,060,220
• Construction of new roads: €22,400,000
• Current Maintenance -Protection and Renewal €1,074,888
• Greenways: €6,450,000

€4,500,100 has been approved for the South Kerry greenway, €400,000 has been announced for the Cockleshell Road to The Spa greenway, €500,000 for the Tralee to Fenit greenway, €500,000 for the Listowel to Abbeyfeale greenway and €100,000 for the Tralee to Listowel project.



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