KERRY County Council has €1,268,652 in funding through the Disabled Persons Grant scheme (DPG) and Improvement Works in Lieu of the Social Housing Scheme (IWILs).
Under both schemes, Government funding meets 90% of the cost of the works in each property, with the local authority providing the remaining 10%.
This year Kerry County Council is awarded €1,141,787 in grant funding, €126,865 is then matched by the local authority.
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In total, Kerry County Council can access funds of €1,268,652 to carry out work for extensions and adaptations to existing social housing stock for older people and people with a disability.
These works can include the installation of grab rails, disabled access ramps, wet rooms and the conversion of downstairs bedrooms.
The scheme also provides extensions in cases of overcrowding. The IWILs allows local authorities to improve or extend privately owned accommodation, where the applicant has been approved for social housing.
It also provides grants for those who are otherwise eligible for social housing to remain in private housing and for enhancements to that property.
Education Minister and Fianna Fáil TD Norma Foley welcomed the announcement saying; “I welcome this funding that will positively enhance the quality of life and housing conditions for older people and those living with disabilities.”