A FOURTH round of the Local Live Performance Programming Scheme (LLPPS) has been announced and applications are invited from people wishing to avail of the funding.
The aim of the scheme is to support employment opportunities for professional performers and technicians across every town, city and county in Ireland and to help underpin the recovery of the commercial live performance sector. This round will support the production of performances from late July–31st October 2022.
Kerry County Council (KCC) invites applications from individual professional performers, professional bands, groups of professional musicians, event producers, promoters, arts organisations, festivals and venues for indoor and outdoor performances throughout Kerry’s five Municipal Districts.
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KCC also welcomes performances programmed in Local Authority owned cultural and outdoor spaces, for example, ANAM: Killarney Arts & Cultural Centre, the Island of Geese amphitheatre and Listowel Square, and as part of Culture Night (23rd September) and night-time economy.
Mayor of Kerry, Cllr. Jimmy Moloney, has welcomed this funding. “Following a very successful LLPPS3 with funding awarded to 21 applications, which supported over 100 performances, artists and crew, and events from April to June, it is clear that this scheme is an important support to the sector and we look forward to seeing some more great indoor and outdoor performances over the coming months.”
The guidelines and application form are available from https://www.kerrycoco.ie/arts/arts-forms/ and the deadline for receipt of completed applications is 4pm on Wednesday 20th July. Any queries to the Arts Office on 066 7183541 or arts@kerrycoco.ie.