Sponsored: All You Need To Know About Venus Bliss At CHRC

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Mary O’Donnell of the Cosmetic and Hair Restoration Clinic at the Bon Secours in Tralee has all you need to know about the Venus Bliss treatment at the clinic…

September is a great time for self-care.

At CHRC, two of our most popular treatments available to target stubborn fat are skin tightening and fat reduction.

What can be done for stubborn fat on the abdomen?

We have two treatments for the tummy area which help to tighten, sculpt and contour.

The first one is fat reduction and the second is skin tightening.

Both treatments are very safe and comfortable and part of our FDA approved Venus Bliss device which is non-surgical and non-invasive.

How does the fat reduction work?

Fat reduction uses laser technology and is for stubborn pockets of fat at the waist, back and abdomen. It improves body contours without surgery, scars or downtime. It selectively breaks down fat cells which are naturally eliminated by the body.

How does the skin tightening work?

Skin tightening uses advanced radio frequency technology to tighten the skin and reduces circumferences to contour the body. The applicator has a deep effect on the tissue and the skin will be firmer and smoother.

How many treatments will I need?

A consultation will determine how many treatments you will need.

A course is recommended and the treatment time is usually 30 minutes per treatment.

Does it hurt?

The treatment area will feel quite warm and will stay that way for up to two hours after your treatment.

What areas can be treated?

Along with the abdomen area, other areas that can be treated are the back, thighs, arms and legs.

Contact us to discuss the best treatment options for you and to schedule an appointment.



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