Post Tagged with: "Sam McCauley’s"

Staff of McCauley Tralee presenting a cheque for €1320 to Yann & Gerard O'Carroll on behalf of Down Syndrome Kerry. 
Funds raised through gift wrapping service. Much appreciation to all who donated to this worthy cause.

McCauley’s Helps Out Down Syndrome Kerry

March 17, 2023 at 2:16 pm Comments are Disabled

THE good folks at Sam McCauley’s at Manor West showed their generous side by fundraising recently for Down Syndrome Kerry. Funds were raised through a gift wrapping service during Christmas and the cheque for €1,320 was presented recently to the organistion. “The team at McCauley Tralee were delighted to help […]

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McCauleys Launches Prescription Ordering App And Free Prescription Delivery Service

McCauleys Launches Prescription Ordering App And Free Prescription Delivery Service

March 31, 2020 at 9:55 am Comments are Disabled

McCAULEY Health & Beauty Pharmacy, which has a store at Manor West in Tralee, has just launched an easy prescription ordering app and free prescription delivery service to ensure vulnerable people and those in isolation are not left without essential medication. These steps have been taken to help more people […]

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Guests and speaker at the Sam McCauley Health and Wellbeing evening at the Manor West Hotel on Thursday. Front from left; Mary Byrne, Dr Mary McCaffrey and Dr Corinne Evans. Back from left; Dr Louis Keary of the Bon Secours Hospital, Clair McEvoy, Brian Kearney, Tracey Stack and Christine Foley all from Sam McCauley's. Photo by Dermot Crean

PHOTOS: An Informative Evening At Women’s Health Event In Manor West Hotel

February 9, 2018 at 12:52 pm Comments are Disabled

THERE was another large turnout for the Women’s Health And Well-Being event in the Manor West Hotel last night. The free event, organised by Sam McCauley’s Chemists for the second year in a row, saw a number of speakers including former X-Factor contestant and Celebrity Operation Transformation participant, Mary Byrne and experts […]

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Mary Byrne Joins Line-Up Of Speakers At Free Health And Wellbeing Event

Mary Byrne Joins Line-Up Of Speakers At Free Health And Wellbeing Event

February 6, 2018 at 4:15 pm Comments are Disabled

A FORMER X-Factor contestant and Celebrity Operation Transformation participant has joined the line-up of speakers for an event in Tralee on Thursday night. Singer Mary Byrne will be at The Manor West Hotel appearing at a special free event on Women’s Health And Well-Being organised by Sam McCauley’s Chemists. The […]

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Experts To Speak At Free Women’s Healthcare Event In Manor West Hotel

Experts To Speak At Free Women’s Healthcare Event In Manor West Hotel

January 19, 2018 at 10:26 am Comments are Disabled

THE Manor West Hotel will be the venue for a special free event next month on Women’s Health And Well-Being organised by Sam McCauley’s Chemists. The event on Thursday, February 8 at 7.15pm, applies to women of all ages and speakers include  Dr Mary McCaffrey (Consultant Obstetrician/Gynaecologist), Dr Louis Keary […]

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Yvonne Duggan and Lucy Horan at the Sam McCauley's Women's Health event at the Manor West Hotel on Thursday night. Photo by Dermot Crean

PHOTOS: Hundreds Hear About Women’s Health Issues At Event In Manor

January 27, 2017 at 11:38 am Comments are Disabled

THE wind howled and the rain lashed outside, but women turned up in their hundreds for a special event organised by Sam McCauley’s Chemists in the Manor West Hotel last night. ‘A Discussion On Women’s Health And Wellbeing For All Ages’  featured a number of speakers on the topic of women’s health […]

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Sam McCauley’s Employee Says Thanks To Facility Which Helped Her Family

Sam McCauley’s Employee Says Thanks To Facility Which Helped Her Family

October 11, 2016 at 10:36 am Comments are Disabled

THE staff in Sam McCauley Chemists Tralee made a very special charity presentation to Bru Columbanus, a facility close to the heart of one particular employee. The team in Sam McCauley’s raised an amazing €2,443 through a Christmas Wrapping Collection in December. A long serving member of staff in Sam McCauley’s, […]

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Sam McCauley’s Sarah Makes The Cut To Help Cancer Sufferers

Sam McCauley’s Sarah Makes The Cut To Help Cancer Sufferers

October 3, 2014 at 4:10 pm Comments are Disabled

A TRALEE woman has decided to cut 16 inches off her hair to help out cancer patients. Sarah Burke from Ballymac, who works in the cosmetics department in Sam McCauley’s Chemists in Manor West, chopped off her locks to donate to Recovery Haven, where the hair will be used in making […]

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