McCann At The Movies: Fascinating Drama Is Not To Be Pooh-Poohed


Our movie guy, John McCann says Goodbye Christopher Robin is a great drama elevated by remarkable performances by the two leads….

Directed by Simon Curtis, ‘Goodbye Christopher Robin’ deals with the relationship between beloved children’s author A. A. Milne and his son Christopher Robin, whose stuffed toys gave rise to the magical world of Winnie the Pooh.

A film that operates successfully, in the most part, on many levels, flicking from light to dark in an instant, this wartime heartfelt biopic looks stunning, thanks to Ben Smithards wonderful cinematography which creates a world of wonder readers of Winnie the Pooh’s adventures will be only too accustomed too.

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Frank Cottrell Boyce and Simon Vaughan’s screenplay is paramount also in the film not becoming overly sentimental and adds to the features overall charm and credibility.

Domhnall Gleeson too gives us a timely reminder of his value within Hollywood as a leading man as he again delivers emphatically in his role as troubled author A.A Milne.

Will Tilston gives a remarkable debut performance as the young “Billy Moon” and it is in fact the warmth and on screen chemistry between Gleeson and Tilston that is central to all that is good in this film.

Kelly McDonald proves again to be remarkably consistent in her role as young Christophers surrogate carer, nanny Olive.

There are a few small complaints to be had however, which prevent this fascinating drama from becoming a truly great film. Margot Robbie inevitably falls short in her role as Milne’s wife Daphne and some of the supporting cast including a grown Christopher Robin played by Alex Lawther don;t share the gravitas and poise displayed by Glesson and Tilston.

On the whole though, this highly infomrative, ambitious and cautionary true life tale is one that will evoke a variety of emotions, is pleasing on the eye and tells the audience of the incredible back story to the worlds most famous fictional characters in children’s literature. Overall a highly insightful and fascinating drama!


For more of John McCann’s movie reviews, check out his Facebook page here and website here

What The Purple Flag Judges Thought Of Tralee

Welcoming the awarding of the Purple Flag to Tralee a few weeks ago were Jean Foley and Frank Hartnett of Kerry County Council, Mayor of Tralee Norma Foley, President of Tralee Chamber Alliance Aidan Kelly and David Scott of Tralee Chamber Alliance. Photo by Dermot Crean

TRALEE is above the standard when it comes to offering a broad appeal to visitors and locals with a vibrant choice and rich mix of offerings at night, according to the judges who awarded Purple Flag status to Tralee recently.

They were impressed by the strong visible Garda presence between the hours of 5pm and 5am on the night they visited, while a recommendation to pedestrianise the town centre and “bars buzzing with a happy customer base” were also among the key findings in the assessment report.

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In a team approach, the Garda, Kerry County Council, vintners and other representatives of the hospitality sector were involved in a comprehensive application process which was led by Tralee Chamber Alliance.

The judges did note very limited public toilets in town open post 6pm and suggested they remain open at increased sites.

The Chief Executive of Tralee Chamber Alliance, Kieran Ruttledge, said: “In being awarded the Purple Flag, we were pleased to receive such positive feedback from the Judges in their Assessors’ Report. They noted the good spread of different themed bars across town, many of which are themed with live music. They said that the sites visited felt safe, well managed and engaged and that Tralee catered for both younger and older customer base. A number of the bars open to 2am – which catered for late night offer. Many live music themed and offered places for both older and younger generations. All bars were buzzing with happy customer base. Number of hotels in town also offered late night experience. This may well encourage more visitors to come to Tralee and encourage locals to stay in their home town for a good, safe night out.”

To confirm that a vibrant night time economy is not solely reliant on the pub trade, the judges were impressed by the great range of early evening activity at the Aquadome (open till 10pm), Tralee Bay Wetlands Centre (7pm), the Omniplex cinema (midnight).

Plenty of outdoor offers available from all types of sport, healthy living, education / training, youth engagement (KYDS), Museum, Town Park and festivals throughout the year.

The report mentioned an ample amount of free, spacious, clean and well-lit car park spaces in close proximity to the town centre  at night.

In relation to the overall strategy to achieve the Purple Flag, it was noted that there was a good level of public engagement and awareness raised through the media, #LoveTralee and Tralee Chamber Alliance.

The President of Tralee Chamber Alliance, Aidan Kelly, thanked and congratulated everyone who gave their time to work on the Purple Flag submission and ensured that it was successful.

The judges paid tribute to Tralee Community Volunteer and Tralee Chamber Alliance Board Member, James Finnegan for his excellent local knowledge and support given to Tralee across a wide range of activities.

They also congratulated the Manager of the KDYS Youth Service, Gemma O’Brien, for the excellent outreach work for young and old and for offering great support at weekends and at night to young people.

The formal presentation of the Purple Flag accreditation will take place at an award ceremony in Norwich, England in November.

PHOTOS: Hundreds Attend Launch Of Colm Cooper’s Autobiography

Jill Harrington, Jessica Harrington and Katie Dwyer, Tralee, with Colm Cooper at the launch of his autobiography in the Gleneagle Hotel on Thursday night. Photo by Dermot Crean

MORE than 800 people were in Killarney’s Gleneagle Hotel last night for the launch of Colm Cooper’s autobiography.

The Kerry GAA legend signed copies of ‘Gooch’ for up to two hours before taking the stage where MC Michael Lyster interviewed Colm about the book and his career.

Also interviewed were journalists Vincent Hogan and Tony Leen, while Dr Crokes and former Kerry boss, Pat O’Shea and fellow club man Kieran O’Leary also paid tributes.

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Colm thanked the crowd for attending and said he blown away by the turnout for the launch. He said he never thought as a seven year old  “small red-haired boy from Ardshanavooly” kicking a football around the estate, that he would grow up to have such success.

He said he was lucky to have been nurtured by the family that is Dr Crokes GAA club and was delighted to see so many from the club in the room last night.

Colm also spoke about breaking into the Kerry team back in 2002 — “a ten stone boy would not be allowed play in Croke Park now!” — and how he had to pinch himself being in the same dressing room as Darragh O Sé, Seamus Moynihan, Liam Hassett and others.

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He said they never thought they would enjoy such success in the Noughties and while the medals and titles were great, the most important thing for him was the friendships made, the camaraderie among teammates and the relationship with Kerry GAA and his club Dr Crokes.

Colm has a busy weekend ahead as he will also be interviewed on The Late Late Show tonight before lining out for Dr Crokes in their Kerry SFC semi-final against West Kerry tomorrow in Fitzgerald Stadium. ‘Gooch’ is available to buy now at all bookshops. Scroll down for photos…

Colm Cooper at the launch of his autobiography in the Gleneagle Hotel on Thursday night. Photo by Dermot Crean
Stephen Stack with Colm Cooper at the launch of his autobiography in the Gleneagle Hotel on Thursday night. Photo by Dermot Crean
Eileen Barrett and Pauline McElligott, Ballylongford, with Colm Cooper at the launch of his autobiography in the Gleneagle Hotel on Thursday night. Photo by Dermot Crean
Kathleen O’Brien, Killarney, with Colm Cooper at the launch of his autobiography in the Gleneagle Hotel on Thursday night. Photo by Dermot Crean
Catherine O’Connell and Margaret O’Sullivan, Listowel, with Colm Cooper at the launch of his autobiography in the Gleneagle Hotel on Thursday night. Photo by Dermot Crean
Brendan Falvey and Triona Brassil with Colm Cooper at the launch of his autobiography in the Gleneagle Hotel on Thursday night. Photo by Dermot Crean
Chairman of Dr Crokes GAA Club, Denis Coleman, with Colm Cooper at the launch of his autobiography in the Gleneagle Hotel on Thursday night. Photo by Dermot Crean
Mary Rose Cantillon and son Gavin Deasy at the launch of Colm Cooper’s autobiography in the Gleneagle Hotel on Thursday night. Photo by Dermot Crean
Bryan Sheehan and Leo Randles at the launch of Colm Cooper’s autobiography in the Gleneagle Hotel on Thursday night. Photo by Dermot Crean
They were well stocked up at the Gleneagle Hotel for the launch of Colm Cooper’s book on Thursday night. Photo by Dermot Crean


David Clifford Is Staying In Kerry

David Clifford about to take the stage at the Kerry minor team homecoming at Fitzgerald Stadium in Killarney last month. Photo by Dermot Crean

ACCORDING to media reports this morning, Kerry minor football star David Clifford will be staying in the county and will not be disappearing down under to the AFL.

After talks with Eamonn Fitzmaurice, the 18-year-old forward will attempt to make inroads into the Kerry senior team this coming year says Tony Leen in the Irish Examiner.

Great news for Kerry football. The Fossa star lit up Kerry’s minor campaigns over the past two years and hopes are high that his talent will be developed in the senior set-up over the next few seasons.

Kerry Film Festival Presents 2017 Maureen O’Hara Award

Kerry Film Festival presented the Maureen O’Hara award to 2017 recipient Director and Editor Emer Reynolds at a ceremony in Dublin October 4. Local Kerry ceramic artist Amy Smith was proud to create the award which recipient Director Emer Reynolds holds here.

THE Kerry Film Festival presented the 2017 Maureen O’Hara Award to director Emer Reynolds (The Farthest), in celebration of her enormous contribution to the film industry.

The Maureen O’Hara Award for this year — presented to Emer Reynolds by Maeve McGrath, Artistic Director of Kerry Film Festival — was created by Amy Smith, a ceramicist and pottery teacher living and working in Tralee.

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Hew newest feature documentary, ‘The Farthest’ is a visually stunning and heartfelt portrait of the Voyager Space Probe and the people who dedicated their lives to reaching out to the cosmos and looking outside of ourselves.

One of the year’s best films, it continues to captivate audiences worldwide and will screen at the Kerry Film festival this October.

Kerry Film Festival Artistic Director Maeve McGrath presents the Maureen O’Hara award to 2017 recipient Director and Editor Emer Reynolds at a ceremony in Dublin today. From left; Producer Claire Stronge, Ailbhe Keoghan (KFFest Board Member), Maeve McGrath, Emer Reynolds, Áine Moriarity (KFFest Board Member and CEO of IFTA), Declan McSteen (Programmer KFF).

The Kerry Film Festival inaugurated the Maureen O’Hara Award in 2008 to celebrate outstanding women in cinema. The award was named in honour of O’Hara, one of Hollywood’s best loved and most inspiring actresses.

Previous recipients include Irish actresses Brenda Fricker, Saoirse Ronan and Fionnuala Flanagan, Writer and Director Rebecca Miller, French actress Juliette Binoche, and renowned costume designer and Oscar nominee Consolata Boyle.

Most recently, the award was presented posthumously to Sarah Elizabeth Jones, a talented, committed camera operator who tragically lost her life on set.

In presenting the award, the festival acknowledges the wealth of female talent in all sectors of the film industry, women in front of and behind the camera, who shine through for their exceptional talent and commitment to their craft.

Reynolds is an Emmy nominated multi-award-winning documentary director and feature film editor, based in Dublin, Ireland.

Over the last two decades, her work has spanned feature films, TV Drama and documentary, including editing one of the most critically-acclaimed Irish feature films, ‘I Went down’.

Documentaries Emer has worked on include the multi-award winning, twice Emmy nominated wildlife feature ‘Broken Tail’ and the three times Emmy nominated ‘On a River in Ireland’ made for the BBC & PBS.

Emer directed ‘Here Was Cuba’, a stunning feature documentary on the Cuban Missile Crisis, described by the Hollywood Reporter as “a real-life end-of-the-world-thriller”.

The Kerry Film Festival takes place in the picturesque town of Killarney from October 19-22. Showcasing the best in Feature, Short and Documentary Cinema from at home and abroad, and introducing Discovery Features, a platform for first time feature film makers, the 18th Kerry Film Festival is shaping up to be one of the must-attend events on the Irish film calendar.


For tickets and more information see

Tralee’s Live Register Figure Falls Again According To CSO Figures


THE number of people signing on the Live Register in Tralee has dropped by 289 last month, according to the latest figures from the Central Statistics Office.

It shows there were 3,916 people signing on in Tralee in September compared to 4,205 in August, almost a seven per cent drop, but the Tralee figure still accounts for nearly half of all people unemployed in Kerry.

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Countywide there are 8,058 signing on at the seven social welfare offices, a 15%, or 1,403, drop compared to September 2016.

Elsewhere, Killarney’s figure decreased 109 to 1,010, Listowel was down 161 to 1,651; Killorglin fell 46 to 590; Dingle decreased 27 to 371; Caherciveen fell 14 to 317 and Kenmare was down seven to 203.

The number of people signing on in Tralee over the past year…

September — 3,916

August — 4,205

July — 4,286

June — 4,274

May — 4,222

April – 4,301

March – 4,419

February – 4,535

January – 4,552

December 2016 – 4,517

November – 4,439

October – 4,445

September – 4,521


PHOTOS: New Book And DVD Recalling Kerry’s 1916 Commemorations Launched

Mayor of Kerry John Sheahan present Jane O’Keeffe of Irish Life and Lore with Kerry 2016 Centenary Programme Book & DVD at the launch at The Rose Hotel on Thursday night. Photo by Dermot Crean

THE 1916 commemorations held across Kerry last year were recalled and celebrated on Thursday evening at the launch of a new book and DVD on the Easter Rising centenary year in the county at the Rose Hotel.

Kerry County Council has produced a unique record of the almost 100 commemorative events which were held in towns and villages across the county during 2016.

The book includes reports and images of the ceremonies held during the year to remember the Rising and a DVD captures some of the highlights of the years including commemorations at Banna, Ballykissane and Valentia.

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Community groups and organisations which hosted their own centenary events were present for the launch and received a copy of the commemorative book and DVD. The publications were launched by the Cathaoirleach of Kerry County Council, Cllr John Sheahan and Director of Services, John Breen.

Cllr Sheahan said: “When Kerry – like other counties – was invited to participate in a year-long commemoration of the Easter Rising around the country in 2016, the county warmly accepted the invitation. That is clear from the large number of events which were held across Kerry to mark the occasion.

“It records for posterity how the people of Kerry reflected on the Rising and is a record for the future of how the county embraced the commemorative programme. I think you will agree with me when I say that the events held all over Kerry were notable for the dignity with which they were held and that is something we can be very proud of.

Mayor of Kerry John Sheahan with Kathleen Browne, Marie O’Sullivan and Tony Bergin of the Kerry Archaeological and Historical Society and Director of Services At Kerry County Council, John Breen (left) at the launch of the Kerry 2016 Centenary Programme Book & DVD at The Rose Hotel on Thursday night. Photo by Dermot Crean

“I would like to acknowledge the support of the Department of Culture, Heritage and Gaeltacht and the Department of Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government. Thanks to Róisín McGuigan who oversaw the compilation and editing of the book and to Richard Dwyer who compiled and produced the DVD. Thanks too to Sharon O’Keeffe, Caroline Lynch and Martina Daly who contributed hugely to making these publications a reality. My colleagues on the Council’s Strategic Policy Committee were also closely involved in drawing up the commemorative programme.

“And finally, thanks to the co-ordinator of the 1916 commemorations in Kerry, Kate Kennelly, who worked tirelessly and diligently with all of you in your efforts to honour those involved in the Rising and to celebrate their efforts,” said Cllr Sheahan.

Members of Camp Community Council with Mayor of Kerry John Sheahan and Director of Services At Kerry County Council, John Breen (back) at the launch of the Kerry 2016 Centenary Programme Book & DVD at The Rose Hotel on Thursday night. Photo by Dermot Crean

Eight Things To Do In Tralee And Beyond This Weekend


Sport, musicals, beauty event and more coming up this weekend. Here’s a few things to do…


1. Classic photography…

If you have some time to spare, Tralee Library is hosting this year’s Press Photographers Association of Ireland [PPAI] Photojournalism Exhibition.

A selection of Ireland’s best examples of press photography from Ireland and overseas are display and it’s well worth a visit during opening hours until October 18.

2. Magical musicals…

People are loving the Light Opera Society of Tralee’s production of  ‘West Side Story’ at Siamsa Tire.

It’s one of the best-loved musicals ever made and there are a limited number of tickets available this weekend. Tickets are available at €19 (€17 conc) from the box office on 066-7123055 and



3. Make-up masterclass…

Make up artists Jeanette Cronin in collaboration with a top seller in CH Powder ‘n’ Pout will giving a make-up masterclass in CH Chemists at 2pm using both Powder ‘n’ Pout and Estee Lauder.

Tickets at €5 are redeemable on the day against any Powder ‘n’ Pout purchase, there will also be 15% off Estee Lauder products on the day for attendees.

4. Beast Challenge…

Hundreds of fitness enthusiasts are expected to converge on Banna Beach this Saturday for what has become the bi-annual Beast Challenge.

For adults it’s a 7km military-style obstacle challenge, the younger crew will tackle the ‘Mini Beast’ which is an obstacle challenge suitable for adults and kids over 7 years. Click here for details


5. Big day for Strand Road…

Expect the Blue side of town to empty out for Kerins O’Rahillys Garveys Supervalu Kerry SFC semi-final against South Kerry over in Fitzgerald Stadium Killarney.

If they win, then the Charlie’s Bar in the clubhouse will be the place to go. Best of luck!

6. Warriors return…

Garvey’s Tralee Warriors take on Moycullen of Galway at the Tralee Sports Complex after coming off back to back wins in the Men’s Superleaue.

A big crowd is expected for the Warriors’ second home fixture of the season. Tip off  is 8.00pm and supporters are advised to get to the venue early.

7. Wheelblasters night out...

The Kingdom Wheelblasters have their night at the dogs fundraiser in Tralee.

Kingdom Wheelblasters is an Irish Wheelchair Association affiliated sports club for children and teenagers with a physical disability.

This is the club’s big fundraiser for the next two years and all support is appreciated. Tickets €10 available from members or tel: 087 9814246/  email or at Kingdom Greyhound Stadium on the night.



8. County final day…

It’s the biggest day of the year in Kerry hurling so expect a classic battle when Lixnaw and Ballyduff meet in the Garveys Supervalu Kerry SHC final on Sunday at 3pm.

Before that Abbeydorney/Tralee Parnells take on Crotta O’Neills in the minor final. A great day of sport is guaranteed at Austin Stack Park.