Renowned Pianist To Join Irish Chamber Orchestra At Siamsa Tíre

Renowned pianist Kristian Bezuidenhout.

CLASSICAL music fans are in for a treat this weekend with the Irish Chamber Orchestra set to perform Beethoven’s epic Piano Concertos No’s 1 and 3 at Siamsa Tire this Saturday at 7.30pm with internationally renowned pianist Kristian Bezuidenhout.

Kristian Bezuidenhout is one of today’s most notable and exciting keyboard artists, equally at home on the fortepiano, harpsichord, and modern piano.

He is an Artistic Director of the Freiburger Barockorchester and Principal Guest Director with the English Concert, a regular guest with leading ensembles including Les Arts Florissants, Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment, Koninklijk Concertgebouworkest, Chicago Symphony Orchestra and the Leipzig Gewandhausorchester; and has guest-directed (from the keyboard) the Orchestra of the Eighteenth Century, and the Irish Chamber Orchestra.

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At the heart of the Irish Chamber Orchestra’s vision is the belief that music is for everyone and this nationwide tour brings the works of Beethoven to Kerry with Ireland’s leading classical musicians and international guests.

Beethoven’s epic Piano Concertos Nos 1 and 3, brim with loveliness and elegance tell a coming-of-age story.

Piano Concerto 1 reflects a young man eager to make his mark on the world while Piano Concerto 3 is the music of an emerging giant pounding towards ingenuity and deafness.

ICO is orchestra-in-residence at the Irish World Academy of Music and Dance at the University of Limerick and is funded by The Arts Council of Ireland.

For more contact Siamsa Tíre on 066-7102300 or click here to go to their website.
