Ashe Urges Kerry People To Support 65 Roses Day For Cystic Fibrosis Ireland

Ashe Spillane.

KERRY people are being urged to help Cystic Fibrosis Ireland meet its fundraising target of €300,000 on 65 Roses Day, taking place on Friday, April 12 nationwide.

Volunteers will be out in force selling purple roses in Kerry and across the country, in Dunnes Stores, shopping centres and other participating outlets nationwide.

In Tralee they can be purchased in Dunnes Stores, The Horan Centre, Boherbee; Dunnes Stores, North Circular Road and Manor West Shopping Centre, Manor West Retail Park.

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Supporting the campaign this year and encouraging the public to get involved is Ashling Spillane from Tralee.

“I was diagnosed with CF as a baby so having CF is my normal. But there are things I have to consider that others don’t realise. For example, I have to manage my diet carefully, have daily medications and a regular sport regime to factor in every day to stay healthy,” Ashling explains.

“This 65 Roses Day, I am asking everyone to get involved and support 65 Roses Day to help CFI continue to provide supports like the Exercise Grant, Fertility supports and Advocacy services for people with CF in Ireland.”

Funds raised on 65 Roses Day will help to provide exercise equipment, counselling sessions, and grants for people with CF undergoing a transplant, fertility assessment or families with CF who have recently been bereaved.

Funds also go to support Cystic Fibrosis research and the building of new CF hospital facilities and the funding of specialist CF staff.

65 Roses Day derives its name from the way in which young children often first say the words “cystic fibrosis”.

Support Cystic Fibrosis Ireland on 65 Roses Day, Friday 12th April by donating online at or purchasing a purple rose in participating Dunnes Stores, Shopping Centres and other outlets nationwide.
