Memorial Plaque Unveiling At Former Nazareth House This Saturday

Miriam Moriarty Owens who is one of the organisers of the event next month.

A MEMORIAL plaque will be unveiled on the grounds of the former Nazareth Home in Tralee, formerly Pembroke Alms Industrial School, by Minister for Education Norma Foley, this Saturday.

This is to mark the anniversary of when Taoiseach Bertie Ahern stood on the steps of Dáil Eireann and offered a heartfelt apology on behalf of the State for the cruelty inflicted upon children in Industrial and Reformatory Schools across Ireland.

The 25th anniversary of this pivotal event in Irish history approaches on May 11. An invitation has been extended to the general public to attend the unveiling on May 11 at 1pm at McCauley unit Baile Mhuire, Tralee.

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“This ceremony serves as a profound act of respect and a catalyst for healing for all those impacted by such institutions,” said one of the organisers of the event, Miriam Moriarty Owens.

“We are deeply grateful that Minister for Education Norma Foley will make the official unveiling of the memorial, underscoring the government’s commitment to acknowledging and addressing these historical wrongs.”

“The harrowing experiences endured by these innocent children within the walls of such institutions must never fade from our collective consciousness,” continued Miriam.

“We ask everyone to stand not only behind us, but beside us, in united remembrance and a commitment to ensuring such injustices never occur again.”

There will be refreshments after the ceremony at The Rose Hotel.
