Call For More Public Toilet Facilities In Tralee Area

The public toilets at the Town Park.

A CANDIDATE in the upcoming local elections has called for more public toilet facilities in the Tralee Municipal District.

Green Party candidate Anluan Dunne said the lack of public toilets, seating and access to the town for people with disabilities has continually been pointed to as needed attention from Kerry County Council.

“We have a lack of public facilities, despite recent improvements,” said Mr Dunne. “We have one public toilet in a town of 26,000 people. There are no public toilets in The Spa at all. This is not acceptable.”

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“We recently paid millions to develop the Island of Geese yet no public toilets were provided. There are people in our community for whom the lack of access to public toilets is a major source of stress. We have to do better. While many private businesses are accommodating, there are not enough public facilities and most are difficult to use for people with disabilities.”

Mr Dunne pointed out that Tralee town has one public toilet facility in the town park, but this is closed late in the evening, while the public toilets near Bridge Street on Bill Booley’s Lane have been closed and unavailable for a number of years.

“With recent upgrade of the urban realm, and the Tralee-Fenit Greenway, more benches and bike parking have been provided,” he continued. “Future plans for the town also include a limited amount of additional benches and bike parking.”

“We have some effort being made to provide for people in benches and bike parking. But the level of provision is seriously limited. I commend the Council for implementing the facilities to date, but if you walk from Rock St. to the Bracker O’Regan Road there is nowhere to rest.

“This is a massive issue for people with mobility issues or the elderly. The same is true for people using a bike to get around, to shop local or to get to school or work. The amount of bike parking is far less than is needed in the town. We must address these issues.”

