Tralee Golf Club News


Ladies 3 Person AM AM Club Sponsored Wednesday 29th May 2024.

!st Veronique Lostal- Davern   75pts  Countback Last 9 Holes
Maria O Connor
Anne Moran

2nd Mary Dowling               75pts
Pearl McGillicuddy
Rhona Johnston

Number of Cards Processed  16.

Senior Mens.

Results of competitions played on Wednesday  May29th

White tees

1st Patrick Mc Elligott (20) 22  pts last 6 holes

2nd Michael Galvin (16) 22 pts.

14 cards processed

Green tees

1st Terry Egan (23) 25 pts last 9 holes

2nd Noel Barrett (25) 25 pts

3rd John Barry (23) 24 pts last 9 holes

4th Patrick Tobin snr (30) 24 pts

52 cards processed.

Over 80+ Red tees

1st Vincent O Mahoney (27) 17 pts.

Lady President Lorraine Peevers Prize
MC4 Ladies Singles Competition
Sunday,June 2nd  2024

1st: Norah Quinlan (23) 44 points

2nd: Brid Halloran (21) 43 points

Best Gross:  Lucy Grattan  (4) 28 points

3rd:  Sheila McCarthy  (30)  40 points (Back 9 Countback)

4th:  Carly Horan  (30) 40 points

Division 1:  Mary Scully (13) 39 points

Division 2:  Faith Morrissey (22) 38 points

Division 3:  Bernie O’Loughlin (31) 39 points

Division 4:  Noreen Kelleher (47) 38 points

Past President’s Prize: Margaret Hayes (15) 38 points

Committee Prize: Bairbre Reen (25) 33 points

Front 9:  Paula O’Sullivan 22 points

Back 9:  Norma O’Regan 20 points

Nearest the Pin:  Frances Jermyn

Longest Drive: Lucy Grattan

9 Hole: 1st: Maria McMahon (25) 23 points

2nd: Nicola Slye (19) 22 points

3rd: Patricia Casey (23) 20 points

Guest Prize : Jason Peevers (3) 33 points

Par 3 Competition :
1st : Gillian Bradley

22 cards processed for 9 hole competition

83 cards processed for LP Lorraines Prize

Results 18 hole AmAm- Sponsor Ardfert Pharmacy Monday 3rd June.

1st James O’Halloran,Sean O’Loughlin, Danny Leen, Gerard Deegan – 90 pts

2nd Eddie Morrison,Lachlann Morrison, Rubén Rivas McHugh,Barry Moynihan – 87 pts

3rd Padraig Daughton, Crohan Fitzgerald, Denis P Galvin, Sean Casey -86 pts

52 cards processed.

Next Sunday 9th June is a swap day with Killarney – Fourball format and timesheet is now open. Sponsor Seamus Weldon for Men and Aspen Grove for Ladies.

