John Mitchels GAA Club News


Golf Classic – Our annual golf classic takes place in Beaufort Gold Club on Friday August 23rd. Always a great day out, a team of 4 is €300 and a tee box can be sponsored for €75.

Please contact any of the organizing committee of Pat Kearney, Fergus Foley, Anthony McElligott, Eoin Gallagher, Rory Kilgallen and Brid McElligott if you wish to sponsor a team or help with the event. All monies raised goes to support our football activities.

Senior Men – Our Division 6 team plated Keel at home on Friday night and came out victorious on the evening on a score line of 6 goals and 8 points to 3 goals and 8 points. We play Desmonds at home next Saturday night at 7.30PM. We await fixture details of our final division 2 game.  Training continues on Tuesday evening at 7pm.

Local Elections – A massive call out of thanks to those from the club who volunteered at the recent local elections.

It was a long few days and would not have been possible without the voluntary hours put in by a number of key people. Our sincere thanks for the role you played in ensuring all ran smoothly and professionally. Go raibh mile maith agaibh go leir.

Senior Ladies – Training continues on Tuesday, Friday and Sunday.

Minor Team – Training continues on Monday at 7pm.

Academy – Well done to all the boys and girls who had a great training session this Sunday where we welcome our neighbours Kerins O’Rahillys. Great fun was had by all and we look forward to a return visit to Ballyrickard in the coming weeks.

Under 9 Boys – John Mitchels U9 Boys put in a great effort in training on Sunday Morning last with some great improvements all in all players. We have a busy schedule of games coming up & parents will be notified with time’s & dates via text during the week. Training continues next Sunday Morning from 10.15am All Newcomers Welcome & until then….Keep on Practicing!!

Under 8s and 10s Girls – A great session in Ballyseedy this Sunday. Very evident that skills are improving week on week. See you next Sunday back at the Academy as we prepare for a number of challenges games in the coming weeks.

Mitchels u14 girls who played Firies in a semi final last week.

Under 14 Girls – Training and fixture details will be issued by the manager to the team. Well done to the girls on a great performance on Thursday night against a strong Firies team. Best of luck to Firies in the final.

 Under 12 Girls – Training continues this week with Club Coach Stephen Bowler. Great work and effort being put in by the team. Well done all. Special word of congratulations to Ava Byrne who was awarded MVP at the Friday Primary School Garda Blitz.

Under 11 Boys –  We played St. Senans on Thursday at home and played two evenly contested games.  Well done to all players on a great display. We trained on Sunday and enjoyed a good turn out considering it was Fathers Day. We play Ardfert away on Thursday night, parents will receive a WhatsApp message with details. We  will train again next Sunday. Special word to our under 11 players who enjoyed great success with our U13 Gold team in their County Final. As usual new joiners or returning players are always welcome.

One of the two U13 Boys teams both of whom who were winners in their respective county league finals.

Under 13 Boys – It was a momentous week for both our U13 teams as they captured their respective county league titles. First up was our Green team who got the dream venue of Stacks Park  for a local derby against Kerins O’Rahillys on Sunday evening . Deciding to play into a strong wind in the first half, we entered the break 3 points down against a very game opponent .

We took an early knock as Strand Road goaled early into the second half, however our fellas are made of strong stuff and rattled off the next 7 scores including 2 goals to take a 5 point lead going into injury time. Strand Road never gave up and drew it back to just 3 points by the final whistle.

In great scenes, the players, mentors and supporters poured onto the pitch at the final whistle to celebrate. The team entered the stand lead by captain Eddie Carmody  for the presentation of the trophy, Eddie gave a fantastic speech and led the celebrations back on the field . A thank you to Strand Road for a fantastic game of football . Also a word of thanks to Coiste na Nog.

Part two of our fantastic week took place on Ballyrickard  on Wednesday night,  when our Gold team faced Ballymac in their County Final .

In front of a large crowd, Mitchels got out of the blocks early and by half time were 8 points up. However Ballymac showing great resilience with some great scores brought the lead back to just one, but just like the Green team on Sunday night our boys showed great courage and resolve and scored an all important goal with a few minutes to go and we ran out 5 point winners . Again some great scenes as we completed the double!

Captain Ruairí O Callaghan accepted the trophy from Cathy McCarthy and gave a very impressive speech for an 11 year old . Big thank you to Ballymac  for a super game of football. Special mention to coaches Aaron, Eoinie K, Eoin, Brendan ,TJ and Daniel for a fantastic achievement on the double and for their huge commitment. Training details will be issued during the week for next week.

Under 15 Boys – Training continues on Mondays at 7pm as we await fixture details.

Under 16 Girls and Minors – Training details will be issued by your coaches.

Bingo – Continues Wednesday and Friday at 8.30PM at the John Joe Sheehy Road. Over 18s only. ID must be provided on request.

Lotto – There was no winner of our lotto jackpot which this week was €3,550. This weeks numbers  were 8, 1, 9 and 13.  Congratulations to our lucky dip winners. Next weeks jackpot is €3,600 and we would ask you to please support this important fundraiser for the club.

Sympathies – We express our sincere sympathies to those who have recently experienced a bereavement. We especially remember the families of Joe Butler, Teddy Lynch, Arthur Hogan, Katie Quinn, Eileen Murphy, Finbarr Drinan and Phil Murphy.

