Minister Announces Refurbishment Works At Fenit School

St Brendan’s NS Fenit.

MINISTER for Education and Kerry T.D. Norma Foley has today announced new refurbishment works to provide a special needs classroom in St Brendan’s national school in Fenit.

An existing classroom in the school will be redesigned to provide for a special educational needs classroom and for two special education teaching rooms.

Minister Foley said: “I would like to congratulate St Brendan’s national school in Fenit for the excellent work in education that takes place there every day. These reconfiguration works are important in providing a welcoming, safe and suitable environment for the educational needs of all pupils. I look forward to seeing them progressing in a timely fashion.”

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The Department of Education has design guidance for classrooms for pupils with special educational needs.

Pupils who have difficulty with aspects of communication, speech and language need classrooms with good acoustics and good sound insulation in walls, floors and ceilings to minimise noise between rooms and outside noise.

There also needs to be appropriate levels of glare-free controllable lighting and appropriate finishes, colour and colour contrast including the avoidance of strong patterns and textures.

There are currently 99 special classes in schools in Kerry at primary and post primary level, with more than 3,000 in existence nationally. Each special class has a teacher, two special needs assistants and six pupils.

