Volunteers Erect Fencing To Celebrate World Sand Dune Day In Banna

Volunteers erecting chestnut fencing along the dunes in Banna.

A SMALL but brilliant group of volunteers from Banna Coastcare gathered on Monday evening to erect chestnut fencing along the dunes and celebrate World Sand Dune Day.

Dunes play a huge role in coastal protection and for some communities they are the first line of defence against coastal flooding and high winds.

These fragile landforms are also an important habitat for many animals, birds, insects and plants such as marram grass, sea holly, orchids and many more.

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“It’s vital we all please respect the signs and steer clear from these delicate areas that are trying to regenerate,” said Rachel Geary of Banna Coastcare.

“Massive thanks to everyone that joined us, we couldn’t have done it without your help   Huge thanks to Brid Colhoun of the National Parks and Wildlife Service for supplying the chestnut fencing and to Clean Coasts for awarding us grants to purchase the signs, posts etc.” added Rachel.

Volunteers erecting chestnut fencing along the dunes in Banna.
