Kerry Parents And Friends Association Benefits From SEAI Grant


THE Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI), has helped Kerry Parents and Friends Association (KPFA) achieve major building upgrades and reduce their energy bills.

The not-for-profit received funding of €15,000 from the SEAI, 30% of the total project cost, for energy upgrades. KPFA installed external insulation to two homes.

Prior to works, there was mould growth on the walls within one of the properties so the Government funding led to the installation of external insultation, removal of mould growths, and improvement of the overall heat retention in these properties.

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The project cost €50,023 in total.  To date, the association has saved €1,393 in thermal energy and 3,361 kgCO2.

Speaking about the grant, a spokesperson for staff at Hawthorn House, Kilcummin, Killarney, one of the properties where work was carried out, said: “Since the external insulation has been installed the house is much warmer and there is no evidence of dampness. The homes also look really nice with the new wrap. Service users and staff are happy with the work and the results. The cost savings of the upgrades have also been of huge value to us as a non-profit organisation.”

Hawthorn House.

Since 2019, SEAI has distributed over €100 million worth of grant support to community energy upgrade projects across the country, supporting charities and community organisations in achieving greater energy efficiency.

If you are interested in applying for an SEAI community energy grant, please get in touch with one of our SEAI project coordinators. For more information, see

