Tralee Golf Club News


Senior Ladies Results of 3 Person Waltz on Monday July 22, 2024

First: Mary Quillinan, Margaret Lawlor & Annette Dineen = 42 Points
Second: Elizabeth Lynch, Michelle Moore & Angela Deenihan = 41 Points

11 Teams played in very tough windy conditions

Senior Men’s Results of 4 person AM/AM played in Killarney on Wednesday July 24th

1st Philip O Sullivan (9),Sean O Keefe (13) ,Jack O Driscoll(18), Ger O Connor(29)  98 pts
2nd Martin Mitchell(17), Pat O Donnell (8), Tim Leahy (5), Jerry Moloney (16) 97 pts
3rd  Michael O Connell (21), Richard Barrett(23), Paddy Nagle(24) , Michael Moynihan(21) 96 pts  last 9 holes

25 cards returned. Thanks to everyone for entering.

Junior Golf Results for Saturday 27th July

18 Hole Competition

1st Sean hickey (14) 36pts

9 Hole Competition

1st Cormac O’ Halloran( 23) 24pts

2nd Ben Deegan (18) 16pts


Senior Singles

1st Jamie McEvoy 23

2nd Eoin O’ Reilly

3rd Shane Sinnott

Junior Scramble

1st Jack Tess, Amy Stack, Eabhna Barrett 22

2nd Fiadh O’ Sullivan, Isobel O Leary and Jack Buckley

3rd Conor Murphy, Eoin Murphy, Patrick Hanifan

Men’s Results Saturday and Sunday 27th and 28th of July

MC11 Lee Strand Results:

1 John Murphy 43 pts (22)
2 Gene O’Donnell 42 pts (11)
3 James O’Halloran 41 pts (08)

Best Gross: Fergal O’ Sullivan 37 pts

Division 1:
1 Kevin Anthony Lucey 40 pts (04)
2 Eamonn O’Sullivan 40 pts (09)

Division 2:
1 Brendan R Kenny 39 pts (13)
2 Trevor Harty 37 pts (11)

Division 3:
1 Sean Reidy 39 pts (14)
2 Padraig Teahan 39 pts (14)

Division 4:
1 Jack Murphy 40 pts (18)
2 Gerald MacNamara 36 pts (22)

Back 9: Paul Stephenson 20 pts

Easiest holes: 7,18,3
Hardest holes: 17, 11, 2

Club-sponsored Green tee Stableford: John O’ Connell 31 pts (24) 3 cards processed

MC7 Results & Fixtures July  27/28th 2024:

MC7 Ladies Singles kindly sponsored by Ardfert Pharmacy:

Saturday 27/Sunday 28 July 2024

1st: Mary Fitzgerald  43pts (43)

2nd Norma O Regan  41pts (29)

Best Gross: Liz Grey 26pts

3rd: Angela Enright  39pts (31)

4th: Phil Stack         38pts (33)

5th Mary Savage    37pts (15)

Division 1: Mary Murphy  36pts (20)

Division 2:Gorretti O Connor 34pts (23)

Division 3 Monica O Neill    33pts (28)

Division 4 Niamh Galvin     34pts (37)

Front 9:  Eilish O Loughlin   22pts

Back 9: Sandra O Sullivan  20pts

Ladies 9 Hole Competition

1st Maura Mc Kenna 20pts (19)

