Cllr Expresses Concerns About Ambulance Service In Kerry

Cllr Deirdre Ferris.

SINN Féin Councillor Deirdre Ferris has expressed her grave concerns following a communication by the National Ambulance Service on Friday announcing a reduced service for Kerry beginning on September 23.

Councillor Ferris has seen the communication and said every area of Kerry will be impacted. Tralee will continue to have cover, but at a reduced level.

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Cllr Ferris said: “It is deeply concerning for the people of Kerry, who are, if this communication is to believed, going to be left without a proper ambulance service from the middle of this month.”

Cllr Ferris said the NAS in Kerry is already understaffed and the service is dependant on overtime to cover shifts.  She is calling on the National Ambulance Service and the HSE to clarify the situation immediately.



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