Public Invited To Relaunch Of Tralee Community Allotments

Looking forward to the relaunch of Tralee Community Allotments next Mionday are Bridie Sullivan, Mary Kiernan of Transition Kerry, Imelda Sheehan, Kay Begley, Marian Keogh, Sheila Kennedy, Michael O’Brien and Anne Marie Fuller of Tralee Tidy Towns. Photo by Dermot Crean

TRALEE Community Allotments Steering Group are welcoming members of the public to join them to celebrate the Re-Launch of the Tralee Community Allotments from 3pm-4.30 p.m. on Monday September 30th at the Moyderwell Allotments on Dean’s Lane.

This relaunch event marks a significant milestone in the revitalisation of the three Tralee Community Allotments – Rahoonane, Marian Park and Moyderwell.

The event will highlight the many activities, developments and future potential of the three allotments including fruit and vegetable growing, composting, food harvesting and preservation, social activities, drama, music and more.

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Allotment holders from across the three allotments will be available to chat about their experiences of the allotments including the calendar of activities, classes and workshop opportunities.

Mary Kiernan of Transition Kerry said;  “Community Allotments are a really valuable resource with countless benefits. They are a sanctuary for health and wellbeing and wonderful for community building. They are a great nature learning space for climate adaptation, biodiversity management, local, sustainable food growing and waste and water management.”

Kerry PPN Environmental Representative Anne-Marie Fuller said; “As part of the policy development work of Kerry PPN environmental linkage group we are working on highlighting and raising awareness of the great social, health and environmental benefits of allotments. What we saw as a result of the COVID pandemic is that these types of community spaces were very difficult to maintain on volunteer effort alone. We hope to convince Kerry County Council and other local decision makers and funders of the need to provide further dedicated support for these initiatives and a programme of multi-annual funding”.

Imelda Sheehan of Marian Park allotments said; “ Everyone is welcoming and friendly and it’s been a very positive experience for me.  I’m growing vegetables such as potatoes, carrots, onions, tomatoes, spinach,  basil and lettuce. And cooking what I’ve grown adds something special to my recipes – with the added bonus of sharing any extra produce with my neighbours.  I would encourage non-gardeners to start by sharing a ‘bed’ with a friend – as two people could easily share gardening tasks.  In the Tralee Community Allotments Group we are all learning and we all help each other with planting ideas and we share advice.  Even experienced gardeners continue to learn…our motto is “learn as you grow”.

You can also learn about various ways to get involved or indeed apply to use or share a bed. For more information contact

This celebratory event will have some music, refreshments and the opportunity to sample some of the delicious produce grown in the allotments. RSVP

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