THE UK-based company which announced in 2018 that it would set up a centre in Tralee creating over 100 jobs has now delayed their plans.
Representatives from Central Pharma arrived in December 2018 to the IDA Advanced Technology Building at Kerry Technology Park to make the announcement of jobs in the company of Minister Brendan Griffin and IDA CEO Martin Shanahan.
Over a year later, there is no sign of the contract packaging and supply centre opening and the company has recently informed the IDA that they have delayed their plans.
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The IDA say they will continue to work with the company to ensure the project goes ahead and described the delay as disappointing.
Central Pharma is a privately owned company with its headquarters in Bedford and is a leading outsource partner to the world’s top pharmaceutical and nutraceutical companies.
With BREXIT who knows what Ireland will lose. But, it will lose a lot more than it currently thinks.
The anti BREXIT lies of Britain losing out to a EU is a joke to anyone who understands the economics involved.
The propaganda was fostered by pro EU unionist supporters and big business interest groups. However, the reality of the situation that the Britain will become a lot greater without the EU than vice versa and Ireland especially so and how will suffer for its cutting off its nose despite its own face attitude concerning the permanent geopolitical reality of the situation.
A good example of big business / pro business lies is Airbus. But, when push came to shove, this is what is happening:
Lies:Airbus Warns of Pulling U.K. Investments on a No-Deal Brexit:
Truth:Airbus to expand in Britain after Brexit:
Ireland need put Ireland first, not the EU (Germany/France). But, it is hard for Ireland as they have made us debt colonel to be economically ransacked, politically controlled and culturally manipulated.