Concern At Russell Street Footpath And Road Surface

Tralee 800
Russell Street hole
The two holes outside Barbereile on Russell Street which have cause a few pedestrians to stumble over.

CONCERN has been expressed about the state of the footpath on Russell Street as two people have already fallen over holes in one part of the path in recent weeks.

A local business owner brought the holes – located just outside Barbereile barber shop – to our attention and said they had seen two people fall over them, including an elderly person and is concerned someone could stumble in front of a car if something is not done about it.

It’s part of a wider problem of broken paths in the town centre, which won’t be dealt with properly until the major works on the town centre later this year.

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CH Make-Up Fairy Insert
Russell Street holes 2
Russell Street is littered with potholes at the moment.

The surface of Russell Street, in particular, is in need of repair as well as down by the taxi rank in The Mall.

When we asked if anything can be done about the state of the roads and paths, we were told by the Council that it is envisaged that repairs in this regard will be carried out as part of the proposed works in Tralee town centre which will see the installation of new footpaths and road surfaces.

This won’t start until the autumn. However, the Council will look at some areas in the meantime to see if interim repair work can be done.