Cork Man Wins €10,500 In Castlegregory GAA Lotto

Brendan O’Connor, Colm Sills, Liam Maunsell (Chairman Castlegregory GAA Club), winner of the GAA lotto Alex Graham with his fiancee Eimear and daughter Laoise, Cathrina Browne and Alan Lynch. Photo: Michelle Breen Crean Photography

A CORK man took away a nice sum of money home with him at the weekend after winning a GAA lotto in West Kerry.

Alex Graham from Tracton received €10,500 from the management committee of Castlegregory GAA Club on Saturday evening after winning the club lotto.

Alex, who has been regularly coming to Sandy Bay Caravan & Camping Park since he was a child, plans to use the funds to reapply for planning permission or maybe use it for a once in a lifetime trip to New Zealand as he is Best Man for his friend’s wedding.

His father Frank bought him the winning ticket. “I’m delighted with the win, it’s great to be able to support the local community,” Alex said.

