KERRY County Council has today (Monday) published new guidelines to ensure best practice for retailers and their design advisors when considering shopfronts in the county. The details of the new guidelines were presented to councillors at today’s meeting of Kerry County Council.
Kerry’s vernacular shopfronts are a core element of the built heritage of the county’s towns and villages and they play an important role in creating a unique sense of place and character.
Kerry also has a tradition of excellence in the craftsmanship involved in historic shopfront design. There are many examples throughout the county of traditional shopfronts and signage that form an intrinsic part of a village or streets’ vernacular charm reflecting local distinctive styles and characteristics.
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The guidelines provide that shopfronts should be of a high standard of design and reflect the architecture of the original building and of the surrounding area. Most shopfront works require planning permission and a suitably qualified person with expertise in this area should be engaged for any proposal.
It is the policy of the council to preserve and retain traditional shopfronts that contribute to the character of Kerry. The need to change old shopfronts whether protected or not must be carefully considered.
Any queries should be directed to the Planning Section of Kerry County Council. The guidelines are available at: