PHOTOS: Fantastic Fun Throughout Tralee For Culture Night

The Yershova family performing at the Island of Geese for Culture Night. Photo by Dermot Crean

CULTURE Night – ‘’One night for All!’’ took place on Friday throughout Kerry promising something for all ages and interests and it certainly delivered here in Kerry.

The Arts Office of Kerry County Council, co-funded by the Arts Council and Creative Ireland, co-ordinated over 50 free cultural events at 45 locations across the county.

The favourable weather added to the electric atmosphere ensuring record numbers enjoyed a diverse range of cultural offerings that included music, dance, storytelling, visual arts, historical talks, street spectacle, circus art, fashion and theatre late into the night.

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“I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all the artists who participated in this year’s events that celebrated Kerry’s arts and culture. Culture Night again showcased Kerry’s rich cultural heritage. Proving Kerry to be not only a scenic destination but a cultural centre.’ acknowledged Cllr. Breandán Fitzgerald, Cathaoirleach of Kerry County Council.

Taking part in Paul Egan’s graffiti workshop at Siamsa Tire for Culture Night. Photo by Dermot Crean

“Culture Night is a night like no other. It gives us the opportunity to enjoy a moment where we can truly celebrate and appreciate what Kerry has to offer in terms of arts, culture and creativity. I’d like to thank our artists, arts venues, community groups and organisations that made this year’s Culture Night so special” stated Kate Kennelly, Arts Officer for Kerry County Council.


Some of the highlights in Tralee were students from MTU alongside other musicians and performers returning this year to Island of Geese to deliver another excellent event with Harmony through Diversity.

Large crowds gathered at Island of Geese for performances starting with TIRC International choir and followed by MTU student performances that included spoken word, trad, classical and pop music, as well as traditional and popular dance.

A Craft Circle was held at the Community Room at Aras an Phobail and it was well attended by people of all ages. Everyone is welcome to attend the classes  there every Monday between 7pm and 9pm.

In the Square the crowds were thoroughly entertained with Trad Thrá Lí. Siamsa Tíre’s Gach aon Seomra /Every room in the House opened its doors to the public with an eclectic mix of music, song and dance, while record numbers visited the Kerry County Museum for Living History in the Medieval Experience, behind the scenes tours and an origami display by Rebecca Lyons.

“I would like to thank all event organisers on behalf of myself and the team in the Arts Office for their continued support, ingenuity, and enthusiasm. Preparation for Culture Night begins many months in advance of the night itself – so thank you to all who came out to take part in the night. There was a real vibrancy around Kerry on the night which would not exist without the community support and artists’ work throughout the year.” declared Hannah Pinckheard, Assistant Arts Officer and coordinator for Culture Night Kerry. Scroll down for photos…

Enjoying the craft event at Aras and Phobail for Culture Night. Photo by Dermot Crean
The Yershova family performing at the Island of Geese for Culture Night. Photo by Dermot Crean
The Tralee International Resource Centre choir performing at the Island of Geese for Culture Night. Photo by Dermot Crean
A member of the TIRC choir performing at the Island of Geese for Culture Night. Photo by Dermot Crean
The McCarthy family taking part in Paul Egan’s graffiti workshop at Siamsa Tire for Culture Night. Photo by Dermot Crean
Mercy Mounthawk students Ashley Baxter and Mollie Lacey at the Junk Kouture Exhibition for Culture Night at Siamsa Tire. Photo by Dermot Crean
Teacher at Causeway Comprehensive Sinead Scanlon with a creation of her students Tia Dennehy and Ella O’Mahony at the Junk Kouture Exhibition for Culture Night at Siamsa Tire. Photo by Dermot Crean
Mercy Mounthawk students Grace O’Connor and Saban Bashir at the Junk Kouture Exhibition for Culture Night at Siamsa Tire. Photo by Dermot Crean
Don O’Neill and Pascal Guillermie with Soracha Thibeaud at the Junk Kouture Exhibition for Culture Night at Siamsa Tire. Photo by Dermot Crean
Don O’Neill and Pascal Guillermie with Mercy Mounthawk students Johanna McMahon, Sinead Knightly and Iga Chlantacz at the Junk Kouture Exhibition for Culture Night at Siamsa Tire. Photo by Dermot Crean
Enjoying the craft event at Aras and Phobail for Culture Night. Photo by Dermot Crean
Enjoying the craft event at Aras and Phobail for Culture Night. Photo by Dermot Crean
Enjoying the craft event at Aras and Phobail for Culture Night. Photo by Dermot Crean
Enjoying the craft event at Aras and Phobail for Culture Night. Photo by Dermot Crean

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