Fenit RNLI Celebrates Its Volunteers Over Past 30 Years

Members of Fenit RNLI pictured last Thursday in Fenit.

RNLI representatives from Fenit participated in a special photo moment last Thursday – ‘One Moment for One Crew’ – to create a photographic record of those involved with the lifesaving charity in this, its 200th anniversary year.

Fenit RNLI had six volunteers who have given in excess of 30 years voluntary service and many who have given 20 years service. The service has also welcomed many new crew members who are currently undergoing extensive training.

In remembering the entire cohort of volunteers who have given any service whatsoever, including colleagues who are no longer with us, Finbarr O’Connell Coxwain, poignantly read the RNLI pledge and dedicated it to all involved. The pledge reads:

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“Whoever we are, wherever we are from, we are one crew, ready to save lives. We’re powered by passion, talent and kindness, like generations of selfless lifesavers before us. This is our watch, we lead the way, valuing each other, trusting each other, depending on one another, volunteering to face the storm together. Knowing that, with courage, nothing is impossible. That is what has always driven us to save everyone we can. It’s what makes every one of us a lifesaver.”

Voluntary Crew: Cian Lawless, Kevin Deady, Denise Lynch, Finbarr O’Connell, John J. Moriarty, Terry Sheehgy, Kevin Moriarty, Des Sugrue.

Mike O’Connor, Fenit RNLI Fundraising Lead, said “I have said for many years that there is fierce good will towards the RNLI Volunteer Service. We are very grateful to all involved as we mark this historical event and especially the turning of the 3rd century for an organisation that so many people appreciate”.
