Free Events Over Coming Month To Focus On Tralee’s Rivers

Alan Balfe; Senior Ecologist & Educator Tralee Bay Wetlands , Colm Walsh Local Authority Waters Programme (LAWPRO , Keith Phelan and Niamh Ní Dhúill Transition Kerry at the launch of event taking place over the next six week focusing on Tralee’s rivers.  Photo By : Domnick Walsh © Eye Focus LTD

TRANSITION Kerry and Tralee Bay Wetlands are hosting a series of free community events in September and October, celebrating the rivers of Tralee, including the Big River/The Gyle, the Balloonagh River and of course the River Lee after which the town has been named.

There will be a River Cycle – psychogeographical exploration of Tralee’s rivers, past, present and future on September 8, being led by Keith Phelan.

This will start with a talk at the Wetlands starting at 2pm, followed by a cycle along some of the rivers in Tralee town from 3-5pm.  This will be an exploration of the psychological and geographical changes of Tralee’s rivers over time.

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On September 28, participants will meet from 2.30-5pm at the bridge over the Big River/The Gyle on Brewery Road to learn about ‘Life along our Rivers’.

Learn who we share these rivers with – from otters, birds, bats, fish and insects, all who depend on the river’s quality of water and their vital role as ecological corridors in the town.

On October 12,  the final event in this series, ‘The Rivers of Tralee – An Archaeological Perspective’ will see Lar Dunne, a local Tralee archeologist, speak about the past 6,000 years –  the archaeology of life in the wetlands of the Tralee / Lee Valley area’.

These public events are all possible with the support of the Local Authority Waters Programme (LAWPRO) and Kerry County Council.

To book your place for any or all of the events, you will find links to register on Tralee Bay Wetlands website.

Contact Tralee Bay Wetlands to for further information or book a place (066-7126700).  All events are free and all are welcome to attend.  Tá fáilte roimh gach duine.
