Gardaí Launch New Booklet For Children With Additional Needs At Tralee Library

Pictured at Tralee Library for the launch were : Dave O’Callaghan , Minister Norma Foley ,Patricia Fitzpatrick , holding the Book was Caoimhe Naughton Student and Anne Marie Toomey . Photo By : Domnick Walsh © Eye Focus LTD

A NEW booklet to help build strong relationships between some of society’s most vulnerable individuals and groups and An Garda Síochána has been launched this morning at Tralee Library.

In January 2024, the concept of developing a Visual Guide Booklet for Primary School Special Classes and Special Schools was initiated by Garda Patricia Fitzpatrick of the Tralee Community Policing Unit in the Kerry Garda Division.

The objective of this initiative was to develop a visual guide booklet to prepare, support and inform children with additional needs about who An Garda Síochána are and to prepare the children for a Garda visit to their school.

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The goal of this booklet is to help build strong relationships between some of society’s most vulnerable individuals and groups, many of whom may often need the services of An Garda Síochána in their adult lives, but due to anxieties and lack of awareness about the service, this need goes unfulfilled.

To maximise the effectiveness of this initiative, the intention is to lay the foundations for these relationships at a young age through the support of the children’s school environment.

With the support of the Garda National Community Engagement Bureau (GNCEB), a working group was established which included a collaboration with the Department of Education, and other external advisors and agencies.

The ‘Autism Friendly Practice Guidelines’, developed in partnership with Mr. Adam Harris from AsIAm, was adhered to in developing this booklet.

The Kerry Garda Division has been selected for the initial roll-out of this initiative after which a review will take place before it is considered for a national roll-out under An Garda Síochána’s Schools Programme.

The Minister for Education, Norma Foley TD, is in attendance. Principals from the relevant schools in Kerry were invited to attend along with a number of public representatives.

Special guests are students from the Senior Réalta Class from Scoil Eoin, Balloonagh. A copy of the booklet is available on the day and will also be available in all Kerry Libraries following this launch.

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