Here’s What’s Happening At The Tralee Food Festival On Friday

Election candidates in Tralee will take part in the Office Chair Races at 5.30pm on Friday part of the Tralee Food Festival. Seated front from left: Anne O’Sullivan (FF), Cllr Terry O’Brien (Lab), Angie Baily (FG), Sinead Donnelly (FG). Back from left: Cllr Sam Locke (Ind), Ken Tobin (Tralee Food Festival), John Drummey (Kerry Mental Health Association), Eddie O’Grady (Ind) and Paddy Kevane (Sinn Féin). Photo By : Domnick Walsh © Eye Focus LTD

THE weather is set to be dry and mild for the weekend so this bodes well for the Tralee Food Festival which kicks off this evening.

It’s set to be a wonderful weekend of markets, demos and music events and it all starts with the launch at the Abbey Car Park at 5.30pm.

To coincide with the opening, there’s a special Office Chair Racing event which will see the Tralee MD candidates in the upcoming local elections wheel into action against each other in what should be great fun. It’s all in aid of the Kerry Mental Health Association.

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This will be followed by an outdoor cabaret from members of Tralee Musical Society at 6.30pm at the specially erected marquee in the Abbey Car Park.

Next up at 7.30pm in the marquee is the excellent Noel McAuliffe and Shane Murphy so head along and enjoy the atmosphere.

If you fancy a drop of the strong stuff, then Bailys Corner is hosting a Whiskey Tasting Experience at 8pm (but pre-booking is necessary at the bar).

A good start then but there’s so much to come over the weekend!

