Kerry LEO Budget 2025 Briefing To Be Held In The Rose Hotel


Kerry County Council Local Enterprise Office in association with Peevers Slye Cotter (PSC Taxation Services) will present a Budget 2025 Briefing in The Rose Hotel, Tralee on Thursday, October 3 from 9.30am to 11.30am.

The budget will be announced on the Tuesday,  October 1. The briefing will summarise the main points arising. There will be particular emphasis on the tax changes announced, including changes in tax rates, withdrawal of any tax reliefs, new reliefs introduced, etc.

The briefing will also cover any tax planning ideas that arise from the Budget.  Finally, with the tax year end in mind, the briefing will remind attendees of some tax planning ideas that should be considered before 31st December next.  All taxes will be covered.

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The seminar will be delivered by Francis Moriarty, Tax Director at PSC who will also be available to answer questions on the day.

Tralee Chamber Alliance will also be in attendance on the day. As the largest business membership organisation in Kerry, Tralee Chamber Alliance urges businesses to attend this briefing for an in-depth review of how this budget will affect each business across the county.

Tea/Coffee/Pastries will be served. To register for the meeting, click here.

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