Know Your Rights: Broken Engagements


Know Your Rights has been compiled by Kerry Citizens Information Service which provides a free and confidential service to the public…

Question: My fiancé broke off our engagement – we had spent a lot on wedding preparations – can I get this money back from them? 

Answer: An engagement is not a legally binding contract, but if there is a dispute between the couple or a third party over property or finances, they can take legal action.

If you paid out substantial expenses in preparation for your wedding but it is cancelled, you can ask your ex-fiancé to reimburse you. If they refuse, you can apply to the courts for compensation from them.

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What if I gave a gift to my ex-fiancé(e)?

There is a presumption that gifts (such as an engagement ring) will be returned, if requested. This only applies to gifts given during the engagement. You can contest this presumption in court if you have proof to say otherwise.

What if I gave a gift to a couple when they got engaged but they are now splitting up?

It is presumed that the gift will be returned (if requested) if the marriage does not take place for any reason, including death.

Read more about broken engagements on ,


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