Local Green Party Member Pays Tribute To Eamon Ryan

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Anluan Dunne with Green Party Leader Eamon Ryan at Tralee Courthouse earlier this month.

A LOCAL Green Party member has paid tribute to Eamon Ryan who is stepping down as leader of the Green Party.

Ryan is expected to continue as Minister for Transport, Climate, Environment and Communications when he steps down as leader of the Green Party after a cabinet meeting this morning.

Anluan Dunne, who ran in the Local Elections in the Tralee Local Electoral Area earlier this month, paid tribute to Minister Ryan.

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“It has been a pleasure to have had the opportunity to work alongside Eamon Ryan,” said Mr Dunne. “He is a man of great empathy, kindness, humanity and mental strength and one of the most positively impactful politicians of our generation.”

“At a personal level, I think Eamon’s unwavering ability to keep going in the face of continual personal abuse and disinformation, much of this originating from this county, has been incredible. He has never been afraid to take the unpopular line and to deliver policies which genuinely benefit the country and its citizens. This unwavering commitment to doing the right thing is what led me, and many others, to enter politics.”

“In his time as leader he has rebuilt this Party, significantly grown the membership, run more candidates for election than ever before and negotiated one of the most people-centric and positive programmes for government in the history of the state.”

“We are now more prepared, experienced and ready to take on the task of securing seats across the country in the next general election and offering a Green choice to the electorate.  The future of the Green Party is bright and much of that is down to Eamon Ryan’s positive, human-centric leadership.”

“I wish him the very best in what he chooses to do next, and I thank him as a citizen of Ireland for his contribution to the state. We need more politicians in Ireland with the bravery, commitment and calibre shown by Eamon Ryan.”



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