Does Your Local Pharmacist Deserve An Award?

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Pictured at the launch of the 2014 Helix Health Pharmacist Awards were Chairman of the organising committee, Fintan Moore, Marketing Executive at Helix Health, Julie O’Halloran, Head of Pharmacy Sales at Helix Health, David Graham. Photograph by Naoise Culhane.

IS your local pharmacist deserving of a national award?

That’s the question healthcare software solutions company, Helix Health, is asking, as it calls on the people of Tralee to nominate local pharmacists in the ‘Patient Nominated’ category ahead of the 2014 Pharmacist Awards.

The call for Kerry people to nominate their local pharmacists comes as Helix Health, sponsors of the awards, released the results of a recent survey which focused on the issues concerning pharmacists in Kerry and throughout the country.

The results revealed that 86 per cent of pharmacists surveyed believe government cutbacks have directly impacted on their ability to look after patients.

More than 100 pharmacists responded to the survey, with the largest cohort of respondents (74 per cent) based in community pharmacy settings. Key results from the survey were as follows:

· 86 per cent of those surveyed recently believe government cutbacks have directly impacted on their ability to look after their patients.
· 74 per cent said they had patients who had lost their medical cards recently, despite poor circumstances or severe illness.
· 64 per cent said the biggest challenge facing pharmacists today is government cutbacks, with 28 per cent believing the biggest challenge to be the increase in the number of customers in financial difficulty.

To nominate a pharmacist you know, simply visit the website, and complete the online form.

The closing date for receipt of nominations to the 2014 Helix Health Pharmacist Awards will be on July 30, and this year’s awards ceremony will take place at the Mansion House in Dublin on November 29.

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