Over 40 Affordable Homes Provided By Clúid In Kerry Last Year

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CLÚID Housing, the approved housing body (AHB), provided 44 affordable homes in Kerry last year.

In all 1,085 homes were provided across the country in 2023, including 621 one- and two-bed homes. Clúid is on-track to deliver 1,200 new social homes nationwide in 2024.

Brian O’Gorman, Chief Executive Officer, Clúid Housing, commented: “We’re incredibly proud of what we achieved in 2023. Thanks to the hard work of the Clúid team and all our partners, 2,194 more people are now enjoying the security and stability of a Clúid home. In Kerry, we delivered 44 new homes, bringing our total homes in management here to 554.”

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Clúid Housing is an independent, not-for-profit housing association, and is one of the largest approved housing bodies (AHBs) in Ireland, working in partnership with local authorities to provide housing to those on social housing waiting lists.

Clúid owns and manages nearly 12,000 properties providing a home to over 30,000 people.



One Comment

  1. Matty O'Leary says:

    The road to hell is paved with good intentions?

    The state is competing with tax payer buy property, ironically using the tax payers own funds against them.

    The local authority is providing cheap loans to organisation like this.
    The local authority is also purchasing housing units from the private sector causing unnecessary inflation to private residential property prices and also interfere with the private rental sector with RAS and HAP.

    If the County Councils build their own housing and stop RAS and HAP, there would be an immediate drop in property prices and rents.

    Government interference in the market is just manipulation and the insiders are the ones who benefit.

    Just like the migrant crisis, the people supplying the getting the accommodation, food and beverage contracts and so on are the winners in all of this selling out of the nation state.

    The only way this system of manipulation and control works is to make the average citizen a debt slave as they will have too much to lose, house, car, family and so on.

    This how corruption works.
